    How to get to heaven

    +5  Views: 946 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Observe and practice God's laws............


    Jhharian! until you accept Jesus as your saviour the law wont do.

    Isn't accept Christ one of God's laws? I'm not just talking commandments here.....

    And my name is Julie

    Wow, did god talk to you two and give you his laws specifically? I've been to heaven already and Christ is not my savior. I do not need one.

    Anyone who dies, goes to one of the heavens.

    No, I do not believe that. You either remain in Hell (the death state) or you're in Heaven, no in between

    Julie! practising God law until your blue in the face,still wont do.It accepting Jesus as your saviour the Son of God! only then will God say that you are save by the Grace or the blood of His son,otherwise Jesus died in vain! Which is an insult too God's Son.

    As I thought I stated, accepting Christ IS one of God's many laws. They aren't all in the 10 commandments, there are others....

    Wow, I can't imagine being so scared about living that you might cause your own eternal damnation. Oh well, carry on and good luck meeting all those challenges that religion created to keep the sheeple in line. :)

    Julei! why do I feel your missing the point I'm trying to say or your not understanding what I'm saying. Jesus is the only door. if you refuse to accept Him as your savior, then you will never fulfill the Commandments.

    I have accepted that he lived and died for us. That was part of God's plan, thus a law of sorts. You are the one making it more difficult than it really is. Accept and carry on but live by God's rules also. They make for a more peaceful time while we are here..........

    Julei! you can break as manny law God will forgive you. but if you go on sinning on purpose like say stealing or commiting aldultry which we are all quilty of at sometime and probably still do. we need to ask God to help us through this wicky world we live in, Ask and it shall be given it! If your children ask for your car key would you give it to them " not likely", The same is here God don't give his children what will hurt.but if it in His will you can be sure you'd get your request.


    FB, you are still preaching your faith. Julie has already told you that she lives by God's laws in her own way. You are threatening her that she will not go to heaven if she does not do it in the way that you have been taught and that you believe. You are still telling people what they must do. You do not have this right in life. God does not give it to you. You are not more special than any other Soul just because you believe words of men. Now, since from your end it is all about preaching, let me remind you that preaching is not allowed here. akaQA is not a pulpit for any religion. Go to church and preach, do not do it here.

    Thanks, @Colleen, I was getting blue in my face....

    Love GOD (the Universe and more) WITH all your heart, all your mind (might), And with all of your soul. And Follow the universal laws of the universe (the ten commandments).
    And believe in your Self no matter what.:)and remeber to 'do unto your brother as you would have him do for you'...

    I'd like to help but I can't find it on Google maps.Are you sure your spelling is correct?

    Death and dying seems to be one of the most common questions on here..Maybe because no one knows what happens/where we go when we die!:-¬...I`d rather concentrate on a bit of "Life and Living" Rather than spend my life obsessed with the predictable rule that we all have to die sometime!Just my opinion!


    That and WALMART!!;-))..Can`t get away from Walmart!:-))

    Good opinion and I love Walmart.......

    It`s on my sightseeing list Julie!...What has Walmart got that we haven`t?!..I just want to see it for myself!:-)

    Learn the scripture,and the law of God, and ackowledge Jesus as your Saviour! For the law could not be fullfill until Jesus paid the price on the cross for all our sin.


    Don't you feel bad telling anyone who is not Christian that they are going to hell? This is actually what you say when you post preachy stuff like this. Perhaps you are following the wrong God and perhaps you are the one going down. You have no proof other than faith. Worry about your own soul, stop judging others through your faith. Stop the religious insanity.

    I'm not telling anyone what they should believe.Where do you see that I'm judging other people.It sound more that you are the judge on this forum. I've just said what I believe.And why are you accusing me of insanity? who judging who?

    "I'm not telling anyone what they should believe"

    Of course you are. Right here "Learn the scripture,and the law of God, and ackowledge Jesus as your Saviour! " You are telling people or at least telling grace2. I said stop the religious insanity. That is not calling you insane. You need to get a better grasp on the English language I think.

    Look Colleen I'LL never have the last word with you on vocalbulary, The question was ask and I believe I'd ans to the best that I could explain,an you have the option of accepting or refuse that your choice to make, the doors are open if you think I'm breaking your arm,Hey don't let me be in your way, your in control of the erase.

    Why not just say, turn to God. This can mean any God and it leaves the door open to anyone who believes in the after life and heaven. Why preach? You have no idea what grace's beliefs are. You are attempting to indoctrinate through words of your faith. Look at how you handled it. You became a 30 second preacher for your religion. You left no other door open but one for grace2.

    I think I'll fly. Thank you.""

    Forget that you are not in Heaven.  You have been taught by ignorant people that Heaven is not here…this world is part of Heaven and you never left Heaven. This world is like a theme park, it can be whatever we choose for it to be and to me, this world is like Paradise waiting for us to see and uphold it’s vast beauty and joy.  

    You can’t get to Heaven on roller skates

    Cuz you’ll roll right by them Pearly Gates   (author unknown)

    It really depends on who you ask. The answer you get from a Christian will not be the same as one from a Jew, or a Buddhist, or Muslim, or Catholic, or Taoist, etc. etc. etc. 
    What do YOU think is necessary behavior for "admission" to Heaven?  

    you die then you can go to heaven


    Why is everyone so keen to get to Heaven?..Do we know that it`s a better place than here?...Why the hurry?I`m just interested to know?..

    I know all animals go to heaven


    Take a leap of faith and jump straight up, before you land ..... tell yourself the Truth,  i am above the Earth and therefore i will return to the Earth, while i'm in the Heavens all i can think about is returning to the Earth because of gravity.       While descending back down to the Earth i cant imagine how to fly and this is why i cannot.     How should i fly, why should i fly,where should i fly to and how fast should i fly there?    What do i do when i fly there and more importantly, why do i not want to stay right here?          When you can think all of these things at once and know the reason why you can think at all,....... you will understand why you are already within the massive grip of the "God" above you, beneath you, to your left, to your right, ahead of you and behind you,  yet you still question your position in comparison to your perspective!   

    Follow me my child,

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