    I have just returned from a great holiday in Cuba.How many of you Americans would really like to visit and how many still believe in your goverments propaganda?

    I have just returned from a great holiday in Cuba.How many of you Americans would really like to visit and how many still believe in your goverments propaganda?

    +1  Views: 1247 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    I believe that anyone who doesn't enjoy the freedoms we have in this country are "free" to leave.
    Truth hurts huh? As long as Cuba enslaves its people the US will continue to BOYCOTT trade to "Castro's Socialist Paradise".

    Its sad how an island 90 miles from US shores is still driving around in 1950's cars. VIVA FIDEL!
    I've been to Cuba. Guantanamo Bay in 1975. That FREE part of Cuba is a great place to visit. The Communist run down Cuba isn't.
    It's very sad. Only one reason people are short on supplies and driving 50 year old cars. A U.S.boycot aimed at the people of Cuba.Guess hasn't worked.If your goverment allowed you to travel there you would be able to see this for yourself.
    Yep I once visited Alcatraz...isn't California wonderful.
    Michael Moore visited Cuba with a group of medically disadvantaged folk. I found his presentation interesting. Such documentaries may be biased. The lack of better journalistic reporting leaves Cuba in a dim light that provides insufficient light to have a meaningful understanding of how the people of Cuba are fairing. I know Cuba has a Light Water Nuclear Reactor and that the US government found no reason to deny Cuba their use of it. Cuba is apparently abiding by international treaty laws. I would like to see much more open reporting on Cuba. Until then they apparently have no interest in tourism or investment by citizens of other countries. I don't know if Cuba has trade relations with any other countries but Russia and Russia seems mute about their trade relationship with Cuba. I dislike the lack of openness because you can't see if the condition is produced by Cuba or the US.
    I would love to go. I heard that U can get there in a round about way. I think it was either Haiti or Jamacia (sp) 1st then a plane to Havana. Has anybody else heard of this?
    Many go via Mexico but most via Canada. Evidently about 150,000 U.S.citizens use these routes every year and just don't get their passport stamped.
    It's not the Cuban goverment stopping American citizens visiting.It's the American goverment.

    i agree but they still smoke the contraband cuban cigar
    and also if you don't agree with the governments policy on the should become citizens of Cuba.....JFK imposed this embargo and it will never be lifted for the reasons it was IMPOSED
    I would like to visit Cuba, but I support the embargo and hope its never lifted,

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