    what is differencebetween love and friendship

    0  Views: 477 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    . Love is friendship- but friendship isn't love.  I'm friends with everyone I love, but don't love all my friends.  Friendship is like vanilla icecream- it's not always that exciting or flavorful, but it's still desert, right?  Love is vanilla icecream with sprinkles and chocolate sauce, whip cream, and nuts and a cherry on top!  Sometimes a vanilla dish can surprise you with it's unique flavor and you want to dress it up a little.  And sometimes, you find that the sprinkles and chocolate and such, looked way better than it actually tasted, and you're left with a belly ache and bad breath. 

    You know it's love when;  you've picked all the sprinkles off, and swirled the chocolate and vanilla into a creamy slurpy mess, that you still hold up to any neighbor kid and say- look what I got!!!!!  And your friends will all be happy they don't have to clean up the mess.

    "(Lovers) are just (Friends) waiting to happen."............PANDA.

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