    If you have children or grandchildren, when they misbehave how do you discipline them?

    discipline, misbehave

    +8  Views: 1236 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    good Question Spacey! lol

    Thanks Mel.

    16 Answers

    some times i had to be drill sergeant to my bunch. i had 6 and it seems if one acted up they all did THANK GOD they are all grown now and have they own kids to do them as they did me. i send my grandkids home when they act up. they dont do it often. they love me and enjoy being around me unlike my kids

    I still give them a spanking, but not like I USED TO GET !!!!!!!!


    we came up ok with them spankings didnt we. now a days its abuse, look how kids act now compared to us as kids

    My kids had to "go sit in the brown chair".  It was "time out". 
    They lost allowance..
    Went to bed early.
    Didn't get to watch TV.
    Got spanked.....the least effective!



    them hard brown chairs work wonders.

    My son would lose his dirt bike, or quad or whatever machine he had at the time. My grand kids knew when grandpa was pissed, I wouldn't let them sit on my lap. My great grand daughter (4 years old) who is deaf since birth is incapable of wrong doing. A sweeter soul,God has not created. She is never more than an arms length away when she visits.


    she sounds like a beautiful little angel. my heart melts for her sweet soul

    Just like what Bob said, I take away her privileges...


    I said that too, before I read any of the entries.
    My parents couldn't have taken away my prvileges, b/c I didn't have any . I didn't have a bike, or my own phone, or my own TV , or anything. My brother got all the breaks b/c they liked him better than me. He got a go-cart and my dad never let me ride it!

    No......i don't agree with smacking,it is a form of abuse.Any bad behaviour from a child should hold a consequence,taking something away from them ,time out,no play.By doing this it lets them know their behaviour was not acceptable and won't be tollerated.


    How many children do you have pythonlover if you don't mind my asking? yvonne57

    A 27 year old daughter.

    A smack on the rear end.


    I do the same eggplant, thank you so much for your comment.

    My children when they were young and disobedient their punishments were: wash walls and windows, scrub floors, take away what they love the most, and sometimes spankings. My goal was to teach my children their are consequences for wrongdoing and learn from the mistakes they make and not to repeat them.


    How old are they now and do they discipline the same way? yvonne57

    They are adults now. Every parent have their own way in disciplining their children.

    and you got your house cleaned too. Good job, Pam

    Very GOOD my friend and I'll bet they respect and appreciate you for the way you handled their punishment. Thank you so much.

    Thanks Julia & Ghost! I can trully say, I am a proud parent to have such wonderful very productive children. :-)

    Pam , If you're talking to me, my name is actually not Julia

    Well said Pamela! totally agree lol

    Sorry MCM! What is your name?

    Thanks Mel! :-)

    Grounded for no TV.

    Bloody oath I did with mine and now the same with Grand kids.
    How? any way I feel is appropriate.
    As my Mum said " The very best thing you can give a child is a pat on the back, providing it is low enough, hard enough and often enough."

    thats GREAT way of putting it! i like that!

    i was always smacked as a child, actually smacked is an understatement but i do believe in a good slap on the arse. nothing more than that and i also believe that it is the mother who should be giving the smacks.


    yes dad was too hard. somtimes though i do think dad is needed

    My dad used to smack me across the face....sometimes 2 smacks at one sitting! And usaully it was for something trivial.
    My mom was a pretty good mom, but sometimes she would beat my butt with the back of a wooden hairbrush

    I have always smacked I dont think a child really understands when taking there toys away but they do remember that smack and my son never did it again or should I say repeated and grounded worked when he got older as I was a one parent family and if he stayed at his grandparents and misbehaved he would get a clout there as well though he was normaly very good around his grandparents I think they hit harder than me! he he and one point to make is that animals hit thier young to put them in their place ! I dont think a smack hurts them its more thier pride than anything as long as you dont give them a stick with nails in it and hit them thas last quote was my Father useto threatning me with it never worked as I knew the stick never exisits

    All depends on the "CRIME" at hand.

    I would have there Mother ask them to see me in the study room and close the door for a small one on one talk, I also don't believe in spanking kids at all. Now in there 30s they all have very good manners.


    thank you, Ward Clever. ''June,! I'm home ! ''

    Very good Messenger, sounds like you handled things and it paid off. Thank you so much for your comments.

    Thankyou very much Ghost.

    Take away their privileges. Let them know it's their choice when and if they get them back .Give them a warning first before you take them away.


    Way to go mycatsmom, thank you so much.

    take away thair video games  and  comepeuter play days and don t let them date

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