
    I happened to see on the Foreign website that we send Foreign Aid to China.
    Joyce A. Luna

    +1  Views: 307 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    We send aid to everyone everywhere. It's the bleeding heart socialist way of thinking this nation seems to want to fall into all the time.

    Congress plays Global Economics with other countries. To get them into the game we look at their net worth in Dollars, then offer them 10%of their net worth as start-up money. Then we borrow back 50 % of their start-up money @ 5% interest. Then we send in business investment firms that meet our approval to exploit their labor force and return products to the US and other global players. This returns money to China which boosts their economy and inflates the price of their exported products so that they become more competitive and products in other countries and the US can then sell competitively. The whole economic plan( globally )is to produce economic mutual dependency, trust and reliance to end the need for war and replace that with competitive economics.


    Beautiful analagy. That explains why the world has on it's way, 2 classes of people. The poor and the rich. It seems this can't keep afloat unless one country will sooner or later control it all. One world power, so to speak.

    Our country sends aid to our enemies, too. One point brought up by McCain in a recent interview. He stated we have to quit sending money to countries that don't like us very much.

    Think about this issue as far as the United Nations are concerned. We give money to most of the countries that vote against us on a constant basis. We need to stop this at once and keep the American money here for Americans.

    Now I'll say this.... We need to kick that stupid United Nations out of this country and just forget about it. Taxpayer dollars are what maintains the building and luxeries for all of the non paying idiots that sit there with attitudes against us. We need to quit being sissies and start being tough again.

    Australia is giving thirty million a year to China as aid. Why do they need aid? We need the money for our  hospitals. We don't have enough beds in them, people have to wait years for an operation and some die in the meantime. We need money for our roads and dams...


    Most aid money is the interest on borrowed money that was given them as start up capitol and loaned back so that interest is paid but termed aid. The since of this is in the fact that no one wants charity because it does not build trust, respect and friendships. Business however builds the whole culture with trust, mutual respect, self respect and friendship. We seek friends in this world who fairly compete with and among each other. By building global relationships in this way we offer everyone a seat at the table of global friendship….an earned place in our global culture.

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