    From California: When you go to the grocery store and the box boy (or girl) carries out your groceries, do you give them a tip? Sometimes I have A LOT of groceries. I got to feeling really guilty cuz I didn't tip.

    +5  Views: 840 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    They actually carry your groceries for you?...WOW...we think we`re on a winner if they give you a bag for them without charging you for it...and watch you struggle packing them yourself¬;-)...You`ve got it made!LOL ;-)


    "Carry outs" ended years ago for us, much the same as anyone pumping your gas for you. Odd isn't it, prices have tripled and service is almost invisible?

    Agree Ducky!...I only have a vague recollection of carry outs...Every now and then a taxi driver might offer to carry your shopping to your door..but even that`s a rarity..and usually only when you`ve tipped them big!:-)Haha.

    Ducky & Millie, I should know where you live ... but I don’t. Millie I DO remember you don’t live in the U.S.
    Well, I tell you I’m in a state of shock. SHOCKED! There is only one store in our town where the customer packs her/her own groceries and then unpacks them into the car. This store is huge. I actually spend more when I go in there because I don’t know where to find the stuff I usually buy and end up with a grocery cart fully of Fritos and frozen pies.

    Sometimes I ask, “Would you please carry out for me?” Sheesh! I sure won’t do that again unless I plan to give a fairly large tip.

    its...I`m from England...Ducky is from...I can`t`s slipped my mind..sorry...Ducky?..Over to you!;-)America WBMG...(She says "Gas"..We say Petrol...she says " Carry outs")...I`ve never heard that term..probably because no one ever carries things out the shop for me!;-)Lol!


    LOL..Ducky..Canada was in the back of my mind:-)..LOL...I swear it was:-)

    In the larger cities in Canada (pop. in the millions), the people living there cannot even "remember" having groceries carried to the car for them!

    My first job was as a carry out and I can count on no fingers the number of times I got a tip. No, you don't have to tip them but remember: T.I.P. means "To Insure Prompt service. You've be remembered if you tip......


    I will do it.

    Times are tough for most everybody,why feel guilty the way is't that what they get paid for !!


    I would bet they don’t get paid very much. Also, I won’t be tipping very much.

    In our little town they carry and dont expect a tip. But i do tip them .My first job was also a sacker, and had to wear a tie. Enjoyed getting the tips , even a quarter. I tip at sonic drive in too.

    My grocer offfers carry out service which I rarely take but if I do I try to give them at least a dollar!

    No, I don't.  I am willing to carry my own out and besides, they are in a wheeled grocerey cart.  Commanding service does not command a tip IMO. if I asked for this service, then I would tip.  When you have some pushy kid grabbing your cart and making it seem like company service then i will assume company pays them.  If they ask, I usually will say no but on occassion I will say yes. Then I will tip.  But that's rare..

    Now they want to charge us a dime for the bag.

    What world are you living in,??Box boy ,or Box girl,GET off your fat arse and carry them out yourself,What did your last Skivey die of,??????


    LMFAO ! (laughing my fat arse off ) hahahahaha!

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