    why am i relieved/!!!!!

    ill tell you!couldnt find this page!thought everybody had left me!!! :)

    +5  Views: 757 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    When you cant find this page, put aka in search, and the link comes up. Welcome back.

    7 Answers

    am not good with the laptop Daisy!(or absolutely diabolical is probably more accurate!)i ve heard of bookmarks but to me its something i shove in my bedtime reading!!! tha nk you for the doggy compliment,he is a German Shepherd,lovely dog,nutty as a fruit cake!!!!!   :)


    Put akaqa in your browser. You'll get a bunch of choices. Just go through them till you find us.

    Move one question and answer to your computer desk top. You will be able to find us that way too.

    I think it's hysterical that you think bookmark is why you place in your nighttime novel. hahahahaha -- just like me. I'm terrible and I've been very busy on my computer for YEARS. There are some things I just didn't learn. or some things I learned and then forgot.

    Ask a Question disappeared off my computer, but I bookmarked the page to get back on.

    It's back now, I keep it bookmarked.

    Glad your relieved!

    That's a beautiful dog.

    German Shepard?


    I must admit that at times this server does very odd and strange things.

    WE would"nt leave you ,a star like you .(you are TinTin the movie dog) ok Leosmami .How much is that doggie in the "window or photo do you remeber that song!.


    How much is that Doggie In Window, is old song, Brings bk memorys as child, My Dear Beloved Dad, used to sing it to me. RIP, my Dad.

    Dollybird .He is still singing it to you from a happy place know as "Heaven I loved it to my mum had a record of it memorys never die ,only fade away lots of happy memorys "Girl.

    come on itsmee,spill!!!whats a browser?i can do this,get in a mess with ebay and thats about it really!at least im good at being thick-i practice!!!!!


    At the least, you're funny. With humor, a lot can be accomplished...

    let me know if you need help with your eight track player ...

    thank you jhh!!and that reminds me of the question i wanted to ask!!!

    idk why?

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