    what is the definenition of the word roots

    0  Views: 489 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
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    1 Answer


    noun /ro?ot/  /ro?ot/ 
    roots, plural

    The part of a plant that attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers
    - cacti have deep and spreading roots
    - a tree root

    The persistent underground part of a plant, esp. when fleshy and enlarged and used as a vegetable, e.g., a turnip or carrot

    Any plant grown for such a root

    The embedded part of a bodily organ or structure such as a hair, tooth, or nail
    - her hair was fairer at the roots

    The part of a thing attaching it to a greater or more fundamental whole; the end or base
    - a little lever near the root of the barrel

    The basic cause, source, or origin of something
    - love of money is the root of all evil
    - jealousy was at the root of it
    - the root cause of the problem

    The essential substance or nature of something
    - matters at the heart and root of existence

    Family, ethnic, or cultural origins, esp. as the reasons for one's long-standing emotional attachment to a place or community
    - it's always nice to return to my roots

    Denoting or relating to something, esp. music, from a particular ethnic or cultural origin, esp. a non-Western one
    - roots music

    (in biblical use) A scion; a descendant
    - the root of David

    A morpheme, not necessarily surviving as a word in itself, from which words have been made by the addition of prefixes or suffixes or by other modification
    - many European words stem from this linguistic root
    - the root form of the word

    The fundamental note of a chord

    A number or quantity that when multiplied by itself, typically a specified number of times, gives a specified number or quantity
    - find the cube root of the result

    A value of an unknown quantity satisfying a given equation
    - the roots of the equation differ by an integer

    verb /ro?ot/  /ro?ot/ 
    rooted, past participle; rooted, past tense; rooting, present participle; roots, 3rd person singular present

    Cause (a plant or cutting) to grow roots
    - root your own cuttings from stock plants

    (of a plant or cutting) Establish roots
    - large trees had rooted in the canal bank

    Establish deeply and firmly
    - vegetarianism is rooted in Indian culture

    Have as an origin or cause
    - the Latin dubitare is rooted in an Indo-European word

    Cause (someone) to stand immobile through fear or amazement
    - she found herself rooted to the spot in disbelief

    rooted, past participle; rooted, past tense; rooting, present participle; roots, 3rd person singular present

    (of an animal) Turn up the ground with its snout in search of food
    - stray dogs rooting around for bones and scraps

    Search unsystematically through an untidy mass or area; rummage
    - she was rooting through a pile of papers

    Find or extract something by rummaging
    - he managed to root out the cleaning kit

    roots, plural

    An act of rooting
    - I have a root through the open drawers

    Web definitions

    (botany) the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes; absorbs water and mineral salts; usually it anchors the plant to the ground

    take root and begin to grow; "this plant roots quickly"

    beginning: the place where something begins, where it springs into being; "the Italian beginning of the Renaissance"; "Jupiter was the origin of the radiation"; "Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River"; "communism's Russian root"

    come into existence, originate; "The problem roots in her depression"

    plant by the roots

    (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed; "thematic vowels are part of the stem"

    In vascular plants, the root is the organ of a plant that typically lies below the surface of the soil. This is not always the case, however, since a root can also be aerial (growing above the ground) or aerating (growing up above the ground or especially above water). ...

    ROOT is an object-oriented program and library developed by CERN. It was originally designed for particle physics data analysis and contains several features specific to this field, but it is also commonly used in other applications such as astronomy and data mining.

    Root! is an Australian rock group from Melbourne formed in 2007. Their music combines alt-country, blues and indie rock with elements of spoken word, satire, social commentary and post-modernism. They have gained attention through a band member being a former member of Melbourne band TISM.!


    Root was a multimedia project based around 25 one minute guitar pieces improvised by Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth. These samples were sent out to around 100 people - both visual artists as well as musicians - in Hoover bags to remix or create accompanying artwork for. ...

    Root is a Czech dark metal band. It was one of the bands that sparked the increasing black metal movement in the Czech Republic. It was formed in 1987.

    The part of a plant, generally underground, that absorbs water and nutrients. Some roots (2); The part of a tooth extending into the bone holding the tooth in place; The part of a hair under the skin that holds the hair in place; The part of a hair near the skin that has not been dyed, permed, ...

    (rooted) Fixed in one position; immobile; unable to move; Of a tree, having a root; To be in trouble or strife, screwed; broken, damaged, non-functional; Whose root (superuser) account has been compromised

    (rooting) Originally, a system of roots; a secure attachment (in something); a firm grounding; The process of forming roots; A method of creating a new plant by getting part of an existing plant to form roots

    (rooted) Planted, established.

    (rooted) stuffed, tired, exhausted…

    (Rooting) A reflex in newborns that makes them turn their heads toward the breast or bottle to feed.

    (rooting) a reflex that newborn babies have, along with the reflexes for sucking and swallowing. Rooting means turning the head to search for the nipple and milk.

    (rooting) when a newborn turns his/her head toward touch near the mouth.

    (Roots) The underground portion of a tree that helps anchor the tree in the ground and absorbs water and nutrients from the soil.

    (Roots) Root hairs absorb water and mineral salts from the soil. Larger roots anchor the tree and store nitrogen and carbohydrates.

    (Roots) their purpose is to anchor a plant and provide a means in which to feed and hydrate a plant.

    (Roots) Underground portions of the rose used for support; absorption and delivery of water and nutrients

    Roots anchor both the plant and the soil surrounding the plant upon which the plant is dependent for water and other nutrients. There are three primary types of root systems:


    adjective: radical, fundamental
    noun: radical, origin, radix, source, base, race




    This answer is rather brief!
    country bumpkin

    Thanks! This reminds me that I need to put my clothes in the dryer.


    Always keep your briefs clean and dry. You never know when you may be in an accident. :)
    country bumpkin

    Don't Scare Me! (*~*)

    LOL!!! I wasn't thinking.

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