1 Answer
First off there is a quicker and easier way to delete your search history from your address bar. BUT if you really don't want someone knowing what porn sites you have been on, you're gonna have to do a few more things. 2nd most people have more than one address bar at the top. Make sure what ever search engine you used you do these steps.
Find the the yellow star in the upper right hand corner directly underneath the X L click on it
L click on the History Tab
And then locate the day you are looking for and R click on it
Then R click on delete
L click START
Locate the RECENTLY VIEWED tab. This is usually on the right side of that window in the colored part of under FAVORITES. It will automatically pop out a menu with a list of recently viewed items. R click on the one you want to view or delete.
Then R click on folder to DELETE
Or R click on OPEN Ato preview what you’re deleting. You can probably tell by the discretion what it is but if not R click on it and the OPEN tab to preview , then go back to START and follow the directions through to DELETE.
You can L click on the down arrow in the address bar locate the webpage and R click on it and delete it.
Just know that even if you run a scan disk, and delete your COOKIES ,and History , if you have clicked on a website that is in your favorites or through a short cu.t All someone has to do is right click on it and click on properties and they will know when it was first accessed and the date and time it was last accessed…. For a complete clean sweep ..
Go to CNET.COM and download REVO UNISTALLER. That program has an ERAASE YOUR TRACKS” TOOL that will do it all.
11 years ago. Rating: 0 | |