    how do I get rid of brown bugs on my yorkie.They are not fles bea]cause they do not jump.They are not ticks because they do not attach to the skin.Whe you find one they run.What are they and how do I get ride of them?

    +2  Views: 1373 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    We use spot on which goes on the back of the neck get that poor doggie to the vet and he will advise you what to put on also you must spray the house near where the dog sleeps and skirting boards and radiators or where its warm and all carpets you also can get this from the vet or its cheaper on the web this must be done as they will reinfest the dog and your home good luck

    Fleas run like crazy.  They jump but they run too.  I would take her to the vet or groomer and let them look at her.  Poor thing.  I have a yorkie too.  I couldn't stand it if she had bugs.  She sleeps with us at night.

    I think it may be lice. There is an over the counter  shampoo called RID; it will get RID of the lice infestation.


    Hi country bumpk - I didn't know dogs can get lice. A Yorkie has human type hair so I guess it could be lice.
    country bumpkin

    Yvonne57: I also have heared dogs don't get lice but I'm not sure either.

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