    I am 70 yrs old Retired US Army (male) Disable 80%soon to be 100%pico

    I have 2 (Bulged discs) lower back, lumbar area, and 2 in the neck (cervical area)
    I hav been trying to get information from the "Laser Spinal Institute of Tampa, Fl". I was told, that I have to provide in Official Correspondence, that, after Medicar, coverage, they need to know, if the
    Balance will be covered by "Tricare for Life". I called "tricare" and I asured that, "YES" Tricare
    will Cover. However, Tricare, (apparently sent the information to the Laser Spine Surgical Center at
    Cincinnati, OH, and, so far, I have not had any answer from the Institut in Tampa, FL.
    I wonder, if there is any chance that "Tricare for Life, can send this information to the Tampa location: 3001. RockyPoint Dr., Tampa, Fl 33607; Telephone (866) 362- 7574 ATTN; Mr. Mark Lindbergh
    I can be contacted as follows: Edgar A. Garcia SSN: 077-36-4175 DOB: Oct 12, 1940
    16117 Copperfield Dr., Tampa, Fl 33618

    Ph: (813) 962-4260
    E-Mails: or

    +1  Views: 890 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: pico8

    3 Answers

    Thank you for serving your country After I had surgery it took months to get all the paperwork to the right places, it was like a second job. You are going have to get on that phone if it takes you all day and be more forceful to get through the red tape.

    Make it your goal in life to push through, get it done, and then try some more. It seems like these companies don't care or want to care and they can be terribly rude. Just keep trying and it will happen. Good luck to you.

    REMOVE your SSN off of here immediately!!! Simply tell Tricare to send the info to the correct address. Also, tell them to send you a copy to in case they screw up again, and then you can forward the correct info to the correct location.
    dude your awesome!!!

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