    my eyes are ALWAYS tierd, how can i make them feal more awake?!

    Please help! I can feal wide awake but i just carn't keep my eyes open! Any one know how to help?! x

    +5  Views: 892 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: tierdness

    8 Answers

    I'm not sure it is your eyes that are tired. There are of course cooling remedies. Go to your optician he will be able to see if there is any underliying cause and the pharmacist may have some drops to help. You may even have some eye strain perhaps reading too much or using computer too much.

    Anything COOL on your eyes, but not freezing.  I got a cooling eye mask at Bath and Body Works 2 yrs ago and keep it my fridge 24/7 and put it on for 5 minutes or so when I feel I need it,  especially early AM with not enough sleep.  Does help with discomfort/burning,  and with any swelling you may have.

    I think you have Blepharitis.  There is too much oil being produced by the glands near your eyelids and that causes the bacteria to grow.  The oil makes your eyelids heavy.  So your eyes feel tired all the time.  Put hot towel on your eyelids.  This helps make the oil to come out.  Then clean the edges of the eyelids and use artificial tears (Blink, Systane, or Refresh). 


    I have this its awful in the mornings lol

    Maybe it's time to check-out glasses - even over the counter readers might help. My Eye Doc gives me Systane. It feels good. TU Benchong.

    Try "Witch Hazel" on a cotton ball on your closed eyes...

    Hi  i went to eye specialist and I was diognosed with Blepharitis they really cant do mush except every morning you get a cuetip and dip it in baby shampoo no tears one by Jhonsons and then wash your eye lids top and bottom twice a day for three months and it does clear up but then it does come back and repeat good luck

    Lie down and put cool, wet tea bags on your closed eyes. That will enliven them , after about 20 min. Or put thin slices of cucumber on your eyes while lying down.

    Get some of the Real Tears stuff over the counter at the pharmacy - not Murine. Better yet, ask your pharmacist.

    try washing your eyes with warm slightly soapy water.My Dr. told me to do this & it worked.

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