    i dream about my ex-boyfriend from high school,and when i woke up i feel sad and affected,it started from last year till now,i want to know what this means...

    0  Views: 439 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Maybe you have some unfinished business with this guy. Kind of like untied shoes, you can run around  and not notice until you find yourself flat down...tie up your loose ends and maybe you will feel better.


    thanks mom for your advice....appreciated. God bless!

    hi krizia how r the dreams going hopfully they r gone and you r sleeping good and wakeing upm happy insted of sad and as far as his sister goes and what she has done im sure you did nothing and by the sounds of it they dont want you in any part of ther lifes but dont feel sad or bad for your self you sound like a very caring person who felt bad for an x over a dream and even got worried for that person you r good people in my book so be good to yourself and your husband keep smieling and god bless


    ...hi choppedtrump :D for now,i didn't have any dreams like those before,but just weird stuff....i guess that's the message he's sister wants to send to me,.....i just want to be a friend again,just want to make up from what i've cause him,and all i really want to do is to say that i am relly really sorry for not making it to his graduation....b'cos that time i am really messed up,and i don't want to drag him down w/ me.....i will always remember and keep him in my heart as a friend....and choppedtrump, thnak you so much for your time spend for me,appreciated so much... :) do you have FB account?

    id just let it go for now and see if you have any more do you still stay intouch with him and are you two still friends


    maybe it would be best if i'd just let it go,,we don't have any communication at all,and for the record i actually chat his sister in FB,i thought we were doing great,joke around,shee's even saying LOL all the felt good but just this morning i found out that she actually DELETED me from her friends list in FB and i think she even blocked me,,really i'm kinda confuse again...i started to ask myself, "what did i do?"...really i'm so confuse right now,but i think i don't have to...i just keep telling myself it's not my lost...i know i'm a good person inside and out,just misunderstood...

    when was the last time you saw him and wat was the dream about


    last time i saw him was 1997(pls. don't laugh) in the dream he looks really sad,and last night in my dream he went to our old house,but i wasn't living there anymore,,i'm 8hrs far from our country by i need to find out what's happening to him,i know he is married w/ kids and all,and i am too...happily married...what do you think should i do??? help

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