    how can I delete conduit?

    0  Views: 314 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer


    As you want to uninstall Conduit, Mixi DJ from Internet Explorer, refer to the following methods.

    Method 1: Uninstall Conduit Toolbar
    a) Press “Windows Logo” + “X” keys on the keyboard.
    b) Select “Programs and Features” from the menu.
    c) In the “Programs and Features” window, search for the Conduit Toolbar and any other programs showing the name “Conduit”.
    d) Click on Conduit Toolbar and then click on “Uninstall”. (You may do the same for any other Conduit programs installed on the computer.)
    e) Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the un-installation process.
    f) Restart the computer when prompted.

    Note: Follow the same for Mixi DJ tool bar.

    If the above method does not work, go to next method.

    Method 2: Run the following fix-it to remove the toolbars.
    Fix problems with programs that can't be installed or uninstalled:
    Note: The fix-it asks you to point to the program which needs to be un-installed, point to conduit and follow the on screen instructions.
    Note: Follow the same for Mixi DJ tool bar.

    To change the Internet Explorer 10 Homepage, refer to the following method.
    You may refer the article “Change your home page” from the given link and follow the instructions given in it to change the homepage from “” to the original one.

    After you perform the methods suggested above, reply us with the status of the issue.

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