    my female cat 7 years old stays on my kitchen table all day , is this normal?

    +1  Views: 440 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Apparently for your cat it is. Cats like to perch high. They are inquisitive and like to see what's going on.

    My cat stays in one of three spots, his favorite is in my chair, next to that he is in my lap...


    and the third?

    He guards the doggie door to keep the dog outside...

    There is nothing abnormal that a cat will stay on one place your cat probely has about three favorite places in which she feels safe though you only think its the kitchen table

    Yes it is normal,you will find after a while she will move on to another favourite spot.

    Yes, cats are funny in lovely way, and nosey, likes to see what is happing, Sometimes my female cat, will leave her food, and come, and see if she can share mine. lol. Will stay on my lap for hours.

    Cats are, well, cats!  I think the people who don't care for them don't like the idea that a cat doesn't really need to grovel at your feet like dogs do.  Cats interact on their terms. 

    Your table is probably the perfect spot for the cat to see what is going on, is comfortable (maybe near a window that lets in sunlight), a place where not alot of other stuff is going on to disrupt the solitude of the space. 

    Probably, but don't ask me to eat dinner at your house.

    my kitty used to jump on my belly at night and sleep there. if i was on my side she would lay on my hip. till i had surgery.

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