    What is the best an easiest way to dust furniture? I there something like a little robot that will dust furniture???

    +2  Views: 389 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    I am a human dust buster name of ole hipster...just pay my airfare to wherever you reside and I shall dust everything for a mere, let us say, $50 an hour plus lodging and food....please advise

    Hire a maid. There are no robots.


    Thanks for your sarcastic answer. When someone
    invents one, I will send it to you (smile)!!!

    What kind of an answer did you expect when you ask for something that does not exist?

    I could have said, dream on I suppose. Reality dictates, if you are looking for something that exists that will dust furniture, then a maid is the obvious choice.

    You're welcome that I even took my donated time to answer this silly question. No thanks on the auto duster, I like doing my own housework.

    Compressed air. You will need about 250PSI. You will probably blow all of your bric-a-brac out the window but that doesn't matter.At least you won't have to dust it anymore.

    The best and easiest way to dust furniture is with a piece of cloth and Pledge furniture cleaner, and make sure the cloth makes contact with the furniture.  Move it from left to right, then right to left, and if you prefer, circular motion.


    Thanks for sarcastic answer.

    You are not very bright at all to make a stupid comment like that.

    I agree Chiangmai. Why do these lazy people think they can waste our time with their foolishness?
    I bet bobis's apartment still needs to be dusted.

    Thanks, Colleen.

    Y ea used a robot,they are called wifes,


    Will send you a robot that dusts when they r invent one. Thanks for your sarcastic comment.

    bobis, I will not thank you for your sarcasm. You need to go away and not come back. Ask a stupid question and this is what you get. Deal with it.

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