    Where can I find a good pro bono lawyer to take my son's Brain Injury case?

    0  Views: 2027 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: help

    1 Answer

    Do not know where you live, but there is surely a Legal Aid Society in your state in Alabama it is called LSA legal services of Alabama. It is for free. But is your son has had an injury by someone or something then I would truly check out the attorneys because a trustworthy one is hard to find, but those kind of cases are usual taken on contingency basis and you should not have to pay anything, what that means is the lawyer takes your case if he feels that you and your son have one, then they take a percentage of what is won in court. But like I said it is very wise to check around ask lots of people about attorneys and their dealings with that particular attorney check them out good there really are some sharks and bottom dwellers out there, but there a some good ones too.

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