    Why do pharmacists stand so high in their shops?

    +8  Views: 4443 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Once a long time ago I heard that its basically a tradition from olden days as most 'drug stores' were privately owned by the pharmacist themselves, they had like today, many items other than drugs to sell, because the owner is also the pharmacist and busy all day with his 'mortar and pestle' they chose to be elevated so that they could see what was going on in the store.. Also, you see this in older grocery stores.  Crime prevention I guess..


    Makes sense.

    They need crime prevention now more today than ever . . .in drug stores

    that's still true today. Some drugs stores, even tho they may be franchises, are owned by the pharmacist.

    Pharmacists stand to watch people would not walk away with over-the-counter meds.

    Good question junior.I was only thinking about that the other day myself.I don't have the answer for you but it is interesting isn't it?


    Isn't it weird that one day you'll think of something or someone and you turn around and voilà, you hear or see something similar later?

    I asked my pharmacist daughter. She agreed with Vinny's answer nearly word for word.


    You must be proud of her?

    So that they can aim their firearm better when some idiot tries to rob them


    Hipster: If you need any more info on the magicjack system, let me know. I have also done quite a bit of research on other systems also.

    i beleive they all wear stilts as required by law...


    Ha Ha, @ daren1

    He needs to feel important since he couldn't go to medical school?


    They go to school for 6 years I think. I admire my pharmacist. Think of the science they have to know.

    I know. Just kidding, Yvonne.

    A Pharmacist has had to attend medical school, and higher up, other wise he would not understand what medication, a person should get, on the advice of a doctor. Often a Pharmacist can advise a person what medication is required, with out the person going to their Doctor.

    to Yvonne and Dolly, this is so true regarding the importance of pharmacist to the community. In many Asian countries, pharmacists' role is almost that of a basic doctor's.

    Thank you.
    (I was just being a clown regarding med school)

    Some say that a pharmacist is a person working on a farm.  Farmers do not sit when they work in the field. 


    That's thoughtful Ben,but not the answer junior is looking for,I think.

    They sit when they are on their horse or tractor Benchong. :)

    Thank you for your enlightenment.

    or when milking the cows.

    Umbriel, I'd like to see a swish suburb and get my medications at a whacking great pharmacy.

    I'm sorry your employer has just a titchy little shop.

    I don't understand your french. Is it something about a  young, bright man? 

    My dad tried to memorize the dictionary when he was at lumbar camp.

    its an ego thing

    So nobody can bug them or distract them when they're lining up and  dishing out the right  pills for the right persons.  But , when I was an LPN in a nursing home, they state said we should take the med cart and go down the hall with it while we were lining up the right pills , at the right time, with the right strenght of meds, to the right person . And lining up more than one pill for one person. . . .also his liquid meds, his insulin shot, his eye drops, his breathing treatment , or inhaler, his tube feeding, his T B test, his antibiotic shot. The state doesn't care if people talk to and bug and distract the nurse while she's doing such a sensitive job that requires great concentration.

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