    FACE LIFT. Yes or No.

    Saw an infomercial the other day and followed up on it, which is out of character for me.  I even drove 3 hours for a consultation.  Am seriously thinking of investing in my face.  I know my age won't change, but I think I will feel better about myself when I look in the mirror at least at my face. It's not "major" surgery; procedure will be local anesthesia and "down time" only two weeks, pending no problems.  Price is right and no interest financing is mine.  Photo here is from 09. I don't smile like that anymore. :(

    +3  Views: 851 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    Your still good looking in this picture come why. ?

    13 Answers

    In your back ground on this site you speak of the body and what is within. I agree with you, it is what is inside that people like and/or love about another person so why change what you are on the outside?
    I am a Aussie in the winter of life and I am proud of my white hair and wrinkles, they depict the real me and at 79 I am still alive on the inside with no wrinkles.

    It's a personal choice but I would try "face exercises" for a while first. They really help firm up the face and you can do them any and all of the time...

    If it makes you happy, go for it.

    Have you lost your mind, NO !    Dont need it.

    I dont have that problem .Why ?.Because my wife gives me a face "job every weekend .With her "Fists ,dont feel a thing untill i waking up.And may i say dose"nt cost a penny or dime.


    ???? odd

    Bob it is a joke"only kidding Lol

    You look fine  I'd be  proud to escort you  to any place  of your choosing  dinner theatre, play , etc.

    Phillis,  your photo looks fine to me. It's up to you what you decide to do. You must find comfort in yourself before you seek that in others.  Ask yourself as you look into the mirror. Do you like the beauity that god has made of me ?  Should I change his art work ?  What will it truly do for me?  Who cares of my appearance wlll love me or want to be with me the same.  Be happy with yourself. Be happy with your decition.  I read your about.   Read it to yourself !!! 

    NO! your wrinkles tell a different story of your life why get rid of that with a painful procedure i think you look beatuiful and a face lift would destroy your natural beauty. be true to who you are(: x


    thank you for your input. i'm not sure yet who i am, but so far, i've never been completely comfortable or accepting of her.
    Welcome to this site, Erin. It's nice to have a youthful voice chiming in. I live in California. Will see you from time to time. Have fun!

    Two years couldn't have done much, besides ones face doesn't make the person it's only a mask the inside is what really counts!!!

    no problem and thanks for the welcome, im from northan ireland, ballycastle in fact!:L if i where you try anti-ageing creams before you go under the knife

    bob/ look great to me.................i don't think you need one or it would be worth the money and pain.

    You seem to have made up your mind, otherwise you wouldn't have gone through all that trouble.

    I say, DO IT!  Why not?  You live only once and if you think you'll feel better afterwards, I don't see any reason not to to through with it. 

    Just don't go too extreme where you won't be able to smile...

    That reminds me, I better start saving up too.


    In other words, no Michael Jackson replica?

    I love his music but not his face...I'm sorry.

    I say Yes! I would love one!


    Hi Daisy, and everyone who has answered my question. On this "page", I am seeing an ad that says
    Treat Sagging Jowls" THIS is the infomercial I saw and I went to San Ramon CA for the consultation. If anyone has time to check out the website and give me feedback, THANK YOU!

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