    seat belt law

    why is it ileagle to drive while not wearing a seat belt

    0  Views: 821 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: seatbelts

    4 Answers

    Because the highway patrol folks are sick and tired of pulling dead people back out of their windshields or having to scrape them off the highway. I'm sure that can be depressing not to mention what it does for the occupants of the vehicle in a collision or their families who have to be notified.

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Nice way to put it hipster, thumbs up for you.


    I understand your answer but every answer is based on a safty issue. let me put it another way, I ride motorcycles and very fast ones but no seat belt there or cage around me so the same question is why do i have to wear one in a car why is it law. I think it is more a supresion of chose when all the returned answers are based on safty. It is ileagle to carry a knife in the street as it may be used to kill someone so this law makes sence but the only person i can kill by not wearing a seat belt is me. Any more thoughts as to why it is a law are welcome.

    Well if you have ever been thrown out of a car in a wreck and survived it, then you would know why you should wear your seat belt.


    I make everyone in the car wear there seat belts but if i choose not to wear mine should it not be my chose it is my life. It is also provem that many people have died in an accident because of the seat belt being used, all the arguement coming back are based on safty not on why it is law. Air bags are fitted to cars by law but if you sit less than 2 feet fron the stearing wheel in an accident it will not work properley so is no use, it is not ileagle to disconect or remove it but has to be fitted by law so here i have a chose but not on a seat belt that may save my life or still could kill me

    To save lives that might have been other wise taken if not for wearing their seat belts. Often the people who die were just regular innocent people and children. Please wear yours too.


    I make everyone in the car wear there seat belts but if i choose not to wear mine should it not be my chose it is my life. It is also provem that many people have died in an accident because of the seat belt being used, all the arguement coming back are based on safty not on why it is law. Air bags are fitted to cars by law but if you sit less than 2 feet fron the stearing wheel in an accident it will not work properley so is no use, it is not ileagle to disconect or remove it but has to be fitted by law so here i have a chose but not on a seat belt that may save my life or still could kill me

    I wear a seatbelt now because it is the law. I was an adament hold out. Now it's second nature. But, I do not agree with making it a law. This is a free country and we are not hurting anyone but ourselves by not complying. I do believe the law should be every driver is required to make sure all passangers are securly and safely buckled. I believe this because the driver is responsable for his/her passengers.

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