    is there a cure for demensia

    +1  Views: 386 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    My friend's 90 year old Mother now has the beginnings of Alzheimers. I know her geriatric physician put her on some sort of medicine delivered through a patch applied to the skin. I believe it's the only one of it's kind at this time but don't know it's name. It doesn't cure dementia but minimizes some of the effects such as forgetfulness, memory loss etc. Hope this helps!


    Wouldn't that be a miracle?

    Unfortunately, there is no cure for dementia, unless it is medically related, such as not enough blood or oxygen getting to the brain due to blocked arteries which can be unblocked.   There are some drugs available for Early onset Alzheimer's which may prove to be effective for dementia.   Some people believe better nutrition helps dementia.  Is the person with dementia an elderly person?  If so, I hope you take them to the Doctor for regular visits and talk to the doctor about the problems the patient is having.  Good Luck to you.  regards/yvonne57


    A neurologist said that wild salmon (not farmed salmon) which is rich in Omega 3 can help prevent dementia.

    No cure for demensia at this time.


    It's a shame isn't? Thumbs up for you. Are you new to our forum? Welcome.

    In the Greco/Roman period narcissus (the flower and/or root) was used as a tincture in the treatment of depression. Its effects are noted as the condition of Narcissism, which is used to describe both normal self-love and unhealthy self-absorption due to a disturbance in the sense of self.” Wikipedia.

    Razadine owes its origin to studies along this line and its effects are similar in some respects. The drug is usually prescribed for patients who have experienced various forms of Alzheirmer’s where blood vessels in the brain are restricting normal blood flow. 


    very good answer robert I know that the bulb from the Daffidile is poison I did watch a tv program on this and it did look very interesting thank you :-)

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