    is there common law marrige in il

    0  Views: 392 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Sixteen states recognize common law marriages, though several of these states have repealed their laws and only recognize these marriages entered into prior to a certain date. Unmarried cohabitants should check with the state and local laws in their jurisdictions to determine what rights may be available to them.

    ALABAMA: The state recognizes common law marriages.

    ALASKA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    ARIZONA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    ARKANSAS: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    CALIFORNIA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    COLORADO: The state recognizes common law marriages.

    CONNECTICUT: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    DELAWARE: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    FLORIDA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    GEORGIA: The state recognizes common law marriages entered into before January 1, 1997.

    HAWAII: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    IDAHO: The state recognizes common law marriages enter into before January 1, 1996.

    ILLINOIS: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    INDIANA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    IOWA: The state recognizes common law marriages.

    KANSAS: The state recognizes common law marriages.

    KENTUCKY: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    LOUISIANA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    MAINE: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    MARYLAND: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    MASSACHUSETTES: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    MICHIGAN: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    MINNESOTA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    MISSISSIPPI: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    MISSOURI: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    MONTANA: The state recognizes common law marriages.

    NEBRASKA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    NEVADA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    NEW HAMPSHIRE: The state recognizes common law marriages but only for inheritance purposes.

    NEW JERSEY: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    NEW MEXICO: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    NEW YORK: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    NORTH CAROLINA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    NORTH DAKOTA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    OHIO: The state recognizes common law marriages entered into prior to October 10, 1991.

    OKLAHOMA: The state recognizes common law marriages.

    OREGON: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    PENNSYLVANIA: The state recognizes common law marriages.

    RHODE ISLAND: The state recognizes common law marriages.

    SOUTH CAROLINA: The state recognizes common law marriages.

    TENNESSEE: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    TEXAS: The state recognizes common law marriages.

    UTAH: The state recognizes common law marriages.

    VERMONT: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    VIRGINIA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    WASHINGTON: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    WEST VIRGINIA: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    WISCONSIN: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

    WYOMING: The state does not recognize common law marriages.

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