    250 grams equals how many cups

    0  Views: 1159 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer


    Depends what you have in the cup. A cup is a measure of volume, but a gram is a measure of mass.

    Depending on the density of the material you are going to have in the cup, the weight in grams of the material will vary. For example, if you fill the cup with lead, the cup will weigh much more than if you fill with feathers.
    This question would be similar to asking how much does a 6 foot person weigh. It depends on the person of course. A cup of water will weigh more than a cup of flour.

    For cooking, you can find tables that convert cups to grams and vice versa for a variety of food. To the left is a link with a table for standard cooking ingredients. Make sure you look carefully and scroll down to find the correct conversion table specific ingredient you are using! The conversion is different for each ingredient!
    Here are A FEW COMMON FOODS and their conversion from cups to grams (notice how much the weight varies!):

    Granulated sugar: 1 cup = 200 grams
    Brown sugar: 1 cup, packed = 220 grams
    Sifted white flour: 1 cup = 125 grams
    White rice, uncooked: 1 cup = 185 grams
    White rice, cooked: 1 cup = 175 grams
    Butter: 1 cup = 227 grams
    Almonds, slivered: 1 cup = 108 grams
    Oil: 1 cup = 224 grams
    Maple syrup: 1 cup = 322 grams
    Milk, non-fat: 1 cup = 245 grams
    Milk, sweetened condensed: 306 grams
    Broccoli, flowerets: 1 cup = 71 grams
    Raisins: 1 cup, packed = 165 grams
    Milk, dry: 1 cup = 68 grams
    Yogurt: 1 cup = 245 grams
    Water: 1 cup = 236 grams
    Confectioners sugar: 1 C = 110 g
    Cocoa: 1 C = 125 g

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