    has this become a teen chat sight?

    Is there anyone out there with a brain. No wonder all the intelligent people left this sight. I'm doing the same.

    0  Views: 946 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Well first off, this is a 'site' not a 'sight'. There are many intelligent people here answering intelligent questions. This one is borderline.

    It has been explained that many times people have the toolbar and they are on a particular 'site' they see the 'ask question' on this toolbar thinking that they are actually asking a question pertaining to the web-'site' they are visiting. Sometimes these questions seem bizarre to us because we have no idea what site they are visiting.

    Yes, there are many teens here and even younger, i ask you this.. Who is better to offer our help and answers?? You may move on if you like, we don't mind.. There many of us here that can keep this place going, I really enjoy the questions, some are very childish and even perverted but then, walk down the street in any town and listen to the conversations around you.. :)

    Have a great day smartest one!! LOL

    Good answer Vinny.
    If this was a site for the "intelligent"i sure would'nt be here,it's just a fun place sometimes...SORRY NO REFUNDS!!!!!
    I dont think it is more of a life.. Perhaps more of a social life... I think many of of use the site as an escape from the pressures of "real life".... Bills, family, life, death, ect.... It is nice to have the oppertunity to guide teens through dificult times. Some of us have been through what they are facing now. And it would be nice if the teens can learn from our ecperiece and mistakes and not make the same ones we did.

    Nooooo : (

    Don't leave.

    I won't be on here much longer either. There is an awful lot of just stupid questions. I'm really getting tired of of people posting religion&gay stuff.


    we need you here. i'll bar the door and not let you out. : )
    Teenagers have more of a life than everyone on this site. So no.

    I dont think it is more of a life.. Perhaps more of a social life... I think many of of use the site as an escape from the pressures of "real life".... Bills, family, life, death, ect.... It is nice to have the oppertunity to guide teens through dificult times. Some of us have been through what they are facing now. And it would be nice if the teens can learn from our ecperiece and mistakes and not make the same ones we did.

    I now the feeling I to have started to lose interest.


    vinny ~ some of those questions really confused me. thank you for the explanation.
    thank you for being here.

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