2 Answers
A question that still exists today! Your post 2 years ago points to the ongoing situation.
Obama will not be impeached with a democrat controlled senate and even if he were impeached it would probably be rescinded as was Clinton's impeachment. Besides that, please note who would take his place, would Biden be better?? IMO not the opinion of this website is that Obama is destroying America and all of which it stands, His liberal agenda of socialism will kill this great country and it has already started with his huge deficit spending his ongoing lies to the public and now the 'train wreck' called obamacare. we are ruined, the immigrants that came here legally and built this country with no help from g'ment have made it what it ~was~ Now we have slackers breaking laws, violence, gangs, school shootings, totally out of control because of liberal ideals of utopia. We are falling apart. We have enemies living with us. Left against right. "Divide and conquer' -- 'United we stand--divided we fall' You are seeing exactly what the founders had warned us about, the reason for the US constitution and its bill of rights. You are seeing the fall of Rome.
10 years ago. Rating: 1 | |