    can i find a friend I haven´t seen for a long time

    The year 2001. Her name is Lisah .......... 10 years ago she lived in Uppsala Sweden. She is from Piteå Sweden as a child I think. For 3 week she stayed att my place. And worked on Malmö Festivalen for an old friend of hers. They were selling cool hats and stuff =). When the festival was over. The festival is only for a week. Enyway. Lisah were ready to go, and she got up to Uppsala. And that was it. I got deppressed and so on. After some time, week or months, she phones and say : - I´m in Amsterdam. Lisah was a raveparty girl and a DJ, and she had a dream to follow and I fully understand that. Well, And after some time again a person who knew her said she had moved to Franch. And she got togetter whit a boyfriend there and she now was pregnent. And allways when i´ve counted back sins I was with her (around 9 month) I dont know how to get in touch with her. I miss her, even though we only spended 3 weeks together. And just gotten to know aech other. I dont know her last name. It never came upp. Please! How can I find her! Sincerely: Lucifer "Dennis" Tyrone (Frank) Djurberg.

    0  Views: 682 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Finding someone by their name and city they live at can be done through the internet at sites such as the following ones:

    One can also search with that information by Facebook.

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