    6. Do you agree that morality is not necessary based on the law, but that the law gets its real meaning from morality? Why or why not?

    0  Views: 303 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    You're opening a big old can of worms with this question. Morality is an open concept considering so many people have so many differing ideas of what morality is. Most people base morality against their religious beliefs. There again so many people have so many religions. As far as the US goes, our laws are based generally on the English Common Law which is based on the laws held dear in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. Notice I didn't say the New Testament because Jesus who was the teacher who is responsible for Christianity said basically love one another as I have loved you and love others and treat them as you would desire to be treated which is too loose to be used as basis for laws. The Old Testament imparted the 10 Commandments which were given to Moses by God on stone tablets. English Common Law reflects these and also more specific laws as necessary to keep the peace.

    Yes I agree that morality is necessary in order to make laws. The general idea behind them is to make life easier and fair as much as possible. Sometimes things are found not to be fair and laws are amended or new laws are made. In many ways it depends of whose sense of morality is being considered when interpreting the law. In recent years laws have been ignored or at least bent to where they creak when being applied to groups of people who say the law is unfair to them. I think this is a grave mistake. I don't think anyone ought to get special treatment where the law is ignored simply because they belong to a fussy group that loudly complains when anything fails to go in their favor. They basically get away with murder because people in their group pitch a fit and act like they deserve special treatment because of things that supposedly happened to their ancestors. I say they're lying because they got to take their food products with them--like seeds and actual fruits, vegetables and meat animals. They were able to bring along clothing plants and seeds, etc. That proves they were not brought against their wills. After arriving all they had to do was cook, clean and farm for the families and they even began to cheat doing this saying things like the dog ate the ham so they could keep more food than the families they were here to take care of got. They learned to lie to get advantages over the people who gave them free rides over the ocean. Now they lie and get sympathy from dumb people who believe their lies.

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