    what causes water blasters on fingers and what is the cuire

    0  Views: 512 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

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    The hands and feet are those parts of our body that are most used and affected by the surroundings. We do not realize what all surfaces and different kinds of contamination our hands come in contact with. However, due to the thick epidermis, our hands and feet manage to withstand all that they are subjected to. But in some cases, even they give up and so, there is formation of what is known as water blisters on hands and feet. There are many conditions that can lead to water blisters on fingers and hands. They are discussed in detail below.

    Causes and Treatment

    One of the most common cause of development of water filled blisters on hands is friction. When we use our hands continuously to pick up heavy weights, then the surface of hands tends to get irritated and when the outer layer of the skin gets damaged, fluid will collect under this layer so as to protect the injured tissue and aid in its healing. Thus, formation of water blisters is actually a protective and defense mechanism of the hand. These blisters on skin are commonly seen in laborers or people that do a lot of physical activity. Constantly shoveling, playing with a baseball, using a rake, etc., could lead to blisters due to constant subjection of friction on the hand. The best way to treat such blisters is by wearing protective gear, like gloves, when handling different objects.

    Another common cause of water blisters on hands is burns. When any part of the body is subjected to a lot of heat, in the form of an electric shock or due to some other cause, the superficial part of the skin is the first to be affected. In cases of second and third degree burns however, there is often blistering of skin due to collection of fluid. These are more commonly seen in cases where there are scalding burns, that is, burns occurring due to steam. The skin burn treatment for second and third degree burns will need to be done at a hospital.

    Dyshidrotic Eczema
    The next relatively rare cause of small blisters on hands is dyshidrotic eczema. This is a condition which is seen in only 20 out of every 100,000 Americans. In this condition, there are usually formation of itchy water blisters on hands and feet. There may be formation of clear vesicles. The blisters are usually very small and may itch or may at times, not produce any symptoms at all. The symptoms, if present, usually worsen after using soap or any chemical based product. Scratching the blisters breaks them, which leads to the release of fluids from inside, which makes the skin become encrusted. This is a non-contagious condition but can lead to unsightly temporary scars on the hands and feet. The exact cause of this condition is not known, though many people say that it is triggered because of an allergic reaction. The dyshidrotic eczema treatment plan will be chalked out by a certified dermatologist, only after he has made a final diagnosis after studying the case.

    This was all about the causes and treatment for water blisters on hands and legs. There are other conditions that may lead to this symptom, like viral infections. Sometimes, they may also occur sporadically due to an allergy to a certain substance. However, one needs to be careful when suffering from water blisters, either on the hands or feet. Do not try to burst these blisters and if they do burst, cover them with a bandage so as to prevent an infection from occurring. As they say, prevention is better than cure, so try to wear protective gears or clothing whenever possible. If you still repeatedly suffer from these blisters, then visit the doctor and try to get your condition diagnosed and treated at the earliest, to prevent the formation of scars.

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