    how od was the Blessed Mary when she was pregnant with Jesus,peace be upon him?

    0  Views: 777 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago






    6 Answers

    She married Joseph and accompanied him to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. In keeping with Jewish custom, the betrothal would have taken place when she was around 12, and the birth of Jesus about a year later. So she would have been 13 years old. Pedophilia was accepted practice in those days.


    As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in persons 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest toward prepubescent children (generally age 11 years or younger, though specific diagnostic criteria for the disorder extends the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13).[1][2][3][4] An adolescent who is 16 years of age or older must be at least five years older than the prepubescent child before the attraction can be diagnosed as pedophilia

    She would have to have been impregnated at the age of 11 or 12. She was already pregnant when Joseph married her. She was a child and unless you believe the claim that it was immaculate conception (which I do not believe) she was impregnated by a man more than likely better than 5 years older than she. Pedophilia was a common practice. It's something Paul railed about and fought hard to have made illegal.

    Puberty is the process of physical changes by which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction to enable fertilisation. That would have been age 10 for me
    The life expectancy in those days most likely wasn't much past 40, if that. I doubt a child had much of a childhood, as we know it, even in a wealthy home. Since we are on a basic disagreement from the beginning (you don't believe in the immaculate conception and I do), it's probable we won't agree on much else regarding this question.

    That's mostly the same line of reasoning NAMBLA uses to exploit little boys. I do not agree with them either. They are pedophiles.

    @Bob. How can you presume that "...The life expectancy in those days most likely wasn't much past 40, if that..."(which I agree with,BTW) when many Biblical characters lived well past that? (which you,I assume, agree with)
    Adam 930
    Methusaleh 969
    Noah 959
    Shem 600
    Eber 464


    Larry 72
    Curly 48
    Moe 77

    Oh, absolutely, Digger. There were some who lived a very long time, if you want to believe that. My choice is to believe all of what those men wrote and called the Bible. Certainly, there are many concepts far beyond my comprehension, but I accept them, based on my faith. Hopefully, it's not bothering people that I'm "that stupid".

    If you say so, Colleen.

    Below comment moved to correct thread



    Digger, we can't presume to evaluate what is possible for a God with our imperfect understanding. Though we've made great progress in uncovering the secrets of the universe, history tells us our understandings are doomed to be overturned - in some important way. We understand in part and presume to judge as if we understand in full. If you choose to accept a religion, you'll have to take much on faith.

    Interestingly, Einstein initially rejected quantum physics because he felt it suggested God simply rolled the dice in creating the world. He apply his limited understanding and in doing so judged what is possible for a human God.


    WT, If you choose to believe that Adam lived to the ripe young age of 930,that is your choice. I prefer to use reason over faith while always remaining open to be proven wrong. So far,so good.

    My personal opinion is that Mary being pregnant wasn't odd in the least.  


    Seems rather plausible,to me too. But Immaculate Conception?... Hmmm.Somewhat of a stretch, in my humble opinion.

    Digger, I agree with your assessment as a non-believer. You can also call me nuts or stupid, or whatever and that's OK with me, too....not that it matters.

    While I appreciate Colleen's passion, and I agree that a strict interpretation of Mary's age suggests inappropriate and unhealthy practices, it is important to judge the story of Mary and Joseph in context.

    It is a religious story (a true story - for me). It is not intended as a recommendation for others. There is not evidence that Christians emulate the story of  Mary and Joseph in marital practice. The person who attempts to justify such a marital relationship in their life with this story can find ways to justify abortion, divorce, and even murder with stories from the bible.

    Colleen, I applaud your effort. Don't complicate your challenge by making good people, people who would otherwise support your effort, your enemy.


    If people choose to be my enemy based on my opinion of a story that I feel is extremely far fetched, then I have to leave them to dislike me and leave the issue with them since it belongs to them. History or today, I do not agree with adults having sex with kids. Nothing can justify the act in my mind. Even if life spans were only 30 or 40 years. Anyone who wants to be my enemy because I believe that makes their own choice to be an enemy. ;)

    Welcome to the website WhidbeyTomas. We don't call people "enemies" here; hopefully, we respect each the right to a personal opinion and only object when one tries to force it down others' throats. That happens sometimes...

    Yes. Very odd,They say she was a virgin.Go figure!


    It DOES require a rather generous dose of Faith, doesn't it, Tommyh ?

    A LEAP mate.

    The question is how old was Mary when Jesus was born….We started counting time in years around 600AD. (Dionysius Exiguus in the 6th century). Before that full moons were popular 13.944 moon cycles per year approximately. Diggers response of :

    Adam 930                           66.69 years
    Methusaleh 969                 69.49 years
    Noah 959            /13.944=68.7 years
    Shem 600                           43.02 years
    Eber 464                             33.28 years

    The word "Ketubah" comes from the root Kaf-Tav-Beit, meaning " writing. .... The minimum age for marriage under Jewish law is 13 for boys, 12 for girls; ...

    This time line is an approximation in terms of years. 181.2 moons for boys and 167.328 moons for girls.

    scholars say she was 15 or 16. Women got married young then, b/c they didn't live very long. The average age at death was 35 or 40......b/c there were no antibiotics .


    Hogwash. Was just a lot of male sinners looking for kids to lay down with. Grown men were marrying children. So the man dies at 30 leaving a young teenager to raise the kids he sired? The expiration date is not a good reason for a man to lay down with a child.

    in that area, in that culture, if a woman becomes a widow, her husband's brother is supposed to marry her

    Yeah I know and he was allowed to abuse her if he did not like her simply because he had to do a duty and marry her. So what happened when he died and she was still as teen trying to raise kids? Not a brilliant plan to have the mothers be so young while the male spouses were already over the midlife age.

    they still do it that way in the middle east. A man hands over his 13 yr. old daughter to be married to a 55 yr. old husband. He treats her like a slave.

    I know. It needs to be stopped.

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