    What is the best apartment dog to buy?

    0  Views: 452 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Your best bet is not to BUY a dog but to go to the shelter and look for a small dog that is quiet. Do your research through the internet. Look for a low key dog. You don't want a high energy dog because then they will require a lot of running room and they might tear your things apart while you are at work. Look for a lazy type dog, maybe a miniature dachshund. They spend a lot of time sleeping. Look for a quiet dog so they won't bother your neighbors with their barking all day long when they hear someone walking down the halls. If you go to the shelter, you might be able to save a mixture breed who is about to be put to death because they can't afford to keep them for too long because of costs. Mixture breeds usually turn out to be much more controllable and loveable. They train more easily.

    If you really feel the need to purchase a pure breed, do your homework. Make sure you are dealing with a REPUTABLE breeder. Do NOT allow them to meet you somewhere to see the puppies they have. That could mean that you are dealing with a puppy mill and those are usually abused and over crowded puppy breeding facilities and inbreeding occurs.You WANT to see that where the puppies come from is a friendly loving CLEAN home where they are playing and have room to run outdoors as well as indoors. You want to see where they sleep at night. If you see rows and rows of cages on top of each other, leave. If there is filth everywhere, leave. If there are about 50 dogs and odor of feces everywhere, you don't want a pup from there because that might mean that your puppy's mother might also be it's sister. It is  a buyer beware world out there. Pet stores usually get their puppies from a puppy mill so if you are concerned about breeding, be careful and do your homework and research, research, research before you buy. Read about the breed you are interested in and then go and check them out first.

    I hope I was able to shed a little light on your question.

    God Bless,


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