    how to damage tv pixels

    0  Views: 495 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    on LCD you can damage them by constantly fiddling with the screen making cool colors with your fingertips. Don't do that.

    Also, keep magnets away from the screen.

    Wonderer, I don't think this is true anymore as it was on the old CRT screens. TV repair used to use a magnetic 'degausser'to color correct these older TV's. You're right though, a magnet on those old ones would make for beautiful rainbow of color but also it would mess up the color saturation for normal TV viewing. No effect on LCD OR Plasma screens though. :) A trick I used to do is having a video camera connected to the TV and then point the camera at the TV screen very close, you could get beautiful kaleidoscope effects doing that and it didn't hurt the TV. :)

    Yup...I have done that also...pretty cool lite show. Still got some vhs tapes that I recorded that stuff on! As a joke a couple of times, I took the back off a friends T.V. and loosened the yoke, then turned it around and the result was an upside down picture on the screen when the T.V. was turned back on! That's enough to make any one scratch their head and WONDER...LOL!

    Turn the yoke!! I did that too! When I was traveling with the music groups, we were booked into a really nice club but they gave us a house to stay in that was a mess, no heat, no hot water, etc, we complained about it, they did nothing so when we left, we spun the yoke on this 19" TV they gave us (only thing that did work) we superglued the silver ware and plates to the table in perfect formal setting setting-- We were packed to go and our agent said we had to stay for another week. We just turned the TV upsidedown, it was fine. LOL.. I wouldn't have known the yoke trick, we had a sound engineer that was an electronic genius, he kept all our equipment working.

    That's funny ! Ever play at THAT club again?!

    You know, most all the hotels/clubs we worked as part of the contract they give us living quarters, hotels this is not a problem because they give us all our own rooms, but this was a nightclub, so they gave us a 3 bedroom house across town. Unusual. The was a disaster, apparently groups before us were a bit upset too and busted holes in the walls and without getting into further details, they obviously were not pleased either. The nightclub was first rate, very classy. No, we didn't go back there. Our agent mentioned to us at a later date that we had ruined our welcome there as well but he didn't go into it much because he already knew the situation and had fought in our behalf. That was the worst! No heat and in the winter in cold country. a few of us bought an electric blanket.

    They even had electricity? That was nice of them!...To say the least...

    O ya, back to the original question...when the screen is being washed,the T.V. should be off for at least 5 minutes to give the screen a few to cool...

    2 Answers

    Why would you want to do that?

    my nameis daryll



    Do you have a brother named Daryll and another brother named Daryll?

    My name is Vinny, you can call me Vinny-- But please don't say it with an ie.. Vinnie, I don't like that.

    OK Vinnie. Got it. :)

    Perfect, I knew I shouldn't have said that. :(


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