    going to bed soon but will leave you with this one

    even when you dont have to be up early do you still find yourself waking up 5.30 or whatever time youre usually up for?

    +5  Views: 634 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    yes I do the same say to myselve I will have a lie in its Saturday and I still wake up 5.30 to 6am every morning !!

    Yes!! Something to do with the 'body clock', so annoying isn't it!!

    I wonder why.



    I miss these cartoons "pin-up" type weman... With curves.... All thought the waist is freakishly tiny.

    We older men like curves, not skinny model-typed looks.

    Yes I get up at 6 every morning to get the kids ready for school... and go striaght to bed when they are on the bus or dropped off....  I need to stop going back to bed!

    I uesd to suffer from insomnia, in my younger days, and having to go to work, I felt drained, The way I over come it was, for next 23 years, I worked nights. I uesd to smile in mornings, just to see the long faces of most people, going to work. lol.

    i suffer from insomnia. sometimes im just going to sleep as the world is waking up. sometimes ill sleep two or three hours and thats all i can get.


    I grieve with you as I do the same my normal day is like go to bed 2 am toss turn til 4 am up at 6 am bathroom back to sleep maybe 530 am back up 930 I get my sleep but my day is out of wack I think its because I have always worked midnight shift all my working life. now i'am retired its has stayed with me.

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