    how do i find holiday accomodation that allows smoking

    +1  Views: 417 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    You won't find any in Canada. That stopped decades ago along with restaurants, movie theaters, casinos and even bars. You can smoke outside, usually, although in some cities you cannot even smoke in a public park. I imagine that that will soon be the norm also.


    It depends on where you are talking about, not a lot of places allow smoking anymore.  You can look up the hotels, restaurants and points of interest online to view their particular  policies or check the city ordinances.

    Where are you? Here is some info for those in the UK…….:

    Your smoking is a problem. Many are alergic after having quit smoking. However there are some great accomidation options around pricy locations. 1. Camp out in public camping areas. 2. Rent a camper from a rental agency in the area. I have rented accomidations from real estate agents, furnished or not for a week or two at a time with insurance. The rental rates can be far less than the hotel/motel rates. And you could simply get "the patch" during your holiday.    


    The “patch: doesn’t work for those of us who like to just hold the cigarette….

    Funny you should say that JH. I had a list of reasons to contenue to smoke that kept me smoking for years. I really got proficient at the "put-off" inspiring a condum add on tv that was very ammusing. HaHaHa.

    Same here Robert. All smokers do. One of the most common ones seems to be, "I have to die of something. Might as well enjoy smoking while I'm here". Even some are still saying, "There's no proof that it's bad for you". Or how about, "I could get hit by a truck tomorrow". What is NOT so funny, is watching someone die of lung cancer. It's gruesome!!!

    I took a class to quit smoking. We had to think of ten reasons why we liked living. I came up with 100. I guess it helped me to quit. 

    They never said a word about the evils. They stayed positive. Most of the group actually did quit!  I think it was 25 years ago .... anyway, a long long time ago. 

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