    Did Will Smith and Jada Pinkett split up?

    0  Views: 267 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith: New Marriage Concerns?
    Will and Jada have reportedly put their dream home up for sale, according to Real Estalker. But a family rep claims this isn’t true at all: “This is all completely false and their home is not on the market.”

    The report claims that the 25,000 square foot Calabasas, Calif. mansion took the Smiths spent over seven years building, want out.

    The couple has reportedly also recently sold their vacation home in Hawaii. They still own properties in Pennsylvania and Los Angeles, however.

    One explanation for the fire sale could be that the family simply no longer wants to use these two houses, and so they’re getting rid of them. Another, much darker, explanation though is that Will and Jada are selling off assets in order to make a divorce mediation easier.

    Will and Jada were last seen with their children, teen stars Jaden and Willow, at the MTV VMAs on Aug. 25. has reached out to reps for both Will and Jada.

    Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith Fend Off Divorce Rumors
    This is certainly not the first time Will and Jada have been in the middle of divorce rumors. In Dec. 2011, a Star report claimed that their marriage was finished. But they refuted the claim vigorously. “Here is how I will change my statement,” Jada wrote on her Facebook page, “Will and I BOTH can do WHATEVER we want, because we TRUST each other to do so. This does not mean we have an open relationship.. this means we have a GROWN one.”

    Close to two months later another report surfaced alleging that Jada and Will were living separately. Again Jada stated otherwise: “Every year, one celebrity couple is under the microscope. This year, unluckily, it’s us! These rumors are completely untrue,” she told Gala magazine.

    The couple doesn’t necessarily have to refute anything this time, but they may need to explain why they’re selling houses — especially their dream home!

     from Hollywood Life

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