    Divorce rates and religion

    It appears that atheists have the lowest divorce rates and those from the Bible belt have the highest divorce rates.

    Can anyone suggest an explanation?

    +1  Views: 625 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    I think you need to establish where your statistics come from.

    Atheists by definition have no respect for Gods law and therefor no respect for his marriage arrangement. Many feel it is alright just to live together and split when they fancy a change.

    In UK many young women can live a better life as a single parent on benefits and a house provided by the state. What incentive is there to have a husband especially a drunk, druggie or sexual pervert who may become violent.

    The result; you may have seen the riots in Britain, in the news caused by Ferrel kids who imagine that everybody else owes them a free living.

    On the other hand I call regularly on atheistic families who do have good marriages and very respectful children. 

    Then again there are so many divisions in what people think is Christianity it is hardly surprising that their are double standards and incompatibility not to mention physical abuse.

    and "because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off." Matt 24:12

    I hope this will give you some insight into a very complex social problems.




    Thanks for your reply bestway. The stats come from the Barna Research Group, a Christian organisation. Basically they show that 11% of Americans are divorced, 25% have had at least one divorce, 25% of Christians have had at least one divorce, 21% of atheists have had one divorce and in the US Bible Belt, about 50% have been divorced.

    May I ask whether you are a minister of religion?

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