    Why does a new house that still in framing have a crack in the foundation?

    +1  Views: 228 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    The cement was not poured right. Could be the weather was too damp for too many days or they didn't tamp the air out of it enough or it was a poor mix. Call the contractor.

    Colleen is right. There is something wrong if the footings are showing cracks.Unless you are talking about minor surface cracks in a slab.

    Get your Contractor out as soon as possible as colleen has said it could have been laid wrong or the foundations are not even put a spirit level on to see if the floor is level if you get fobbed off by the contractor get a engineer to look at it /arcutecture , to me its sounds like the footings which if it is the whole lt will have to come up not at your exspence it will be the builders get it sorted now and hold all work off until it is sorted

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