
    Dear JDB, May this birthday bring you life's greatest gifts, good health, good friendships and love! I'm sure you'll get many more great birthday wishes from the caring folks here on our site!

    +3  Views: 1503 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    GOOD job ole hipster.

    ole hipster

    Now for the question part of the above! For any of you who are not afraid to reveal your birthdates to us please attach your birthdate to these B-day wishes to JDB (well, OK you don't HAVE to give us the year if you don't want to EVEN THOUGH I don't mind telling MINE, it's 1949, July 31, hence the moniker ole hipster!) Anyway, a few of us want to keep track of B-Days (for all your family members if you'd like) and anniversaries or other SIGNIFICANT dates in your lives, sobriety for instance...whatever you all wish!) Just start attaching your dates to JDB's birthday wishes. Will be asking again

    12 Answers

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JDB, I hope you are having a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY. I had already told you HAPPY BIRTHDAY on Coach's thread, but surely don't mind telling you again. Man I can remember when I turned 21, that's been many moons ago. I hope your day has been real special, MANY more BIRTHDAY to come.


    O YEA, ole hipster, my birthday is May 22nd, I was born 1954, I guess I'm old, but not feeling it. My anniversary is August 12th. Got married in 1972, married my high school sweetheart. Aug. 12, we will have been married 39 yrs. but been together for 44 yrs.


    Thank you sooo much ole hipster, we had our ups and downs from time to time, but through it all our love for each other prevailed. Thank you for all you said , it touched me. Thumbs up for you.

    ole hipster

    OK Spaceghost I got your info. Thanks! Hey, you're almost as old as me! Being married 39 years is quite a wonderful accomplishment! Congratulations to you & your wife for holding strong all this time! Unusual in this day and age. I hope you two have many many more years together!

    Happy Birthday, JDB! I hope you have a great time and fun with family, relatives, and friends. May they fulfill all your wishes on this special day!!!

    My birthday was March 13th. Maybe next year. My 8th wedding anniversary, July 16th.


    Thanks, ole hipster!!!


    happy belated...a fellow pisces... nice....hope you have a great day

    ole hipster

    Happy belated birthday you on the list! (:


    Pamela, we share the same wedding anniversary!

    ~~ HaPpY B!thDaY ~~

    Thanks everyone, I hope to have just a quite evening with the wife and baby girl. I was never one for birthday parties or to have people make a big fuss about my birthday, but I do appreciate the comments on here. Believe it or not this is big for my birthday. Thankyou

    Happy birthday to you...happy birthday tooo youuu...happy birthday dear JBD....happy birthday to you...and many mooooore. One thing JBD...don't forget that it is also your mothers birth day and without her , you would not have this day to celebrate. I hope you have a close connection to her and can thank her for your 21 years of life!


    Happy Birthday Mom ... you wild Pisces you!


    Mom, sorry I missed your birthday, anyway a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope that you had a wonderful birthday.


    March 8th...forgot to add that...thanks


    Thanks a million ole hipster and gave me the first grin of the day...have a great one

    ole hipster

    So very true Mom...we old Mothers know, huh?!

    ole hipster

    So, by the way, when is your birthday so you can be put on the list??

    ole hipster

    Sorry to have missed your birthday and your comment!

    Happy Birthday JDB,wishing you a good one,what a great way to spend your birthday,with family... Mine is Jan.24th,1955< for the record.

    ole hipster's it going? Thanks for JDB's birthday wishes. I'm glad so many are responding but need more responses to keep the celebration list going and enlarging. So please give me your B-ay, anniversary, whatever date is significant for you! OK? Thanks! Have a good night!

    There's another thread out there started by Coach yesterday that I responded to but I'll say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! again in this one. I hope your day was how you wanted it to be : )

    ole hipster

    Colleen me lassie...when do you celebrate the day you were born?? Anniversary?? Help me get this list long-g-g!! Thanks for your help by adding yours! (:

    Happy Birthday, JDB.

    Headless Man

    I don't want to add my birthday, because if I "move on" I don't want everyone wishing me happy birthday. Is that silly or

    ole hipster

    Aw-w-w come on Randy Palmer, fess up!

    Happy Birthday JDB, Wow 21 that was the only birthday I actually got carded, not for my 18th, 19th, or 20th, If you do have a birthday drink make sure it wears off before your drive! Or let your wife drive. Hope you have a great one!

    WISH YOU ALL THE BEST !!!!!!!!

    Hey pal, Happy Birthday!! I posted a Happy Birthday yesterday for you so you have some other greetings there. Just tag "birthday" and you'll get them. Have an awesome day!

    ole hipster

    Got your B-Day date alreadymy man! You'll have to stick around for at least another year for more wishes!

    Happy birthday JDB.Enjoy because they go by quick after 21.

    ole hipster

    papa ya' doing tonight my friend?? Would like to know when you were born also and any other significant dates that you celebrate (same goes for everyone). Inquiring minds want to know!?

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