    Legalize Prostitution

    Do you think prostitution should be legalized in the US. If so, how and why?

    0  Views: 1735 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    yes , legal business can be controlled and protected. It would pay taxes . It will be a blow to human trafic and pimps . Illegal business should not be encouraged .

    ole hipster

    Well put Qwerty!

    I agree with qwerty's comments.

    It;s already legal in a couple states.

    ole hipster

    Yeah I know Nevada is one, what are the others?

    This is a deep subject. No pun intended. I have been half way around the world (thanks to the military) and have had encounters with many "ladies of the night". Both physically and simply on a conversational basis. There are those in poverty stricken countries who venture there to feed their families. There are people who are trapped into it by subjective family members or friends simply for money. Addicts are often created just for that purpose. And there are people who actually like it.
    The thought of legalizing it in America right now is unrealistic. One, the religious populous has still got a stronghold over American thinking...though I think their days are limited. Two, it would bring about the end of marriage (and the family unit) in this country. And three, the gravy sucking lawyers will never let it happen...think of all the legal disputes and money they would lose.
    So give it up dude.

    ole hipster

    Well put Keith! I hadn't quite thought of it your way but you definitely have valid points!

    I don't believe it should be legallized. It can put TOO MANY lives in too much danger!!! With AIDS, HIV, ect. Going around. Not to mention that those who DO get caught up it will break up HOMS & FAMILIES. That's what this world needs a LOT LESS of. DON'T Let your family get in this mess. GOD doesn't approve of it & NEITHER do I.


    If it were run as a legit business then the government could force mandatory monthly testing for STD's. Right now it is practiced and no one has to get tested. I think it would be safer to legalize it.

    You have no clue of God is against it. Your bible might claim He is but your bible could be wrong.

    Hello Tammie. I thought this might be you.

    The problem is not so much the girls or the customers, it is the people taking advantage of the girls . It is a "business" that we do not like .

    If it were run as a legit business then the government could force mandatory monthly testing for STD's. Right now it is practiced and no one has to get tested. I think it would be safer to legalize it.


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