    are the united nations going to be obsolete in a couple of years or so?

    0  Views: 431 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    No! they have a further critical role to play during the Great Tribulation, and the Governments that support them will also provide the resources and authority to carry out their final blunder.

    You asked


    3 day suspension because you continue to ignore my requests to not flood the forum with all your questions.

    so how many questions a day?what is the quota not to exceed so I know for the future if they allow me to continue being here...yesterday they would not let me log in...I had to create this second username after the site prevented me from coming back as GNAMA197413.I still see the answers people are giving me (in the GNAMA197413 account)for some reasons but I cannot log in anymore and I know I have the right password...well if I am no longer allowed to speak my mind here and ask questions I would not have left because I DECIDED to but because I was prohibited  now I understand this is not truly freedom because you give your opinion to people but if they contradict a little,deviate from what they believe in,I become a problem...this is why you have your rules and regulations I guess,for those who go beyond boundaries...WHICH REALLY IS ALRIGHT because any institution should have boundaries...if I decide to adhere to a particular association,I must go by what they say I must follow...



    If you didn't have 85 questions in 2 days to look after, you would have seen my messages to you. I was asking you to stop flooding, you didn't see my messages because you were busily putting out more questions. I told you, 5 questions per day. We do not silence opinions here and you are far too new to be making such a claim. I had to suspend your account to stop the flooding. I am now going to close this new account you created because you are only allowed one account. You can go back to your original account and use that one which I unlocked hours ago after I saw you finally caught one of the messages I had put out about not flooding the forum. Accusations without understanding is not the way to settle an issue. When you do not understand what's going on because you are not paying attention, then you need to message the administrators through the contact link found at the bottom of this page or you can message me using the e-mail address found on my profile page. You do not make a post on the forum making false accusations about having your opinions silenced because someone didn't agree with them. This forum follows the rules of democracy. It also believes in freedom of speech. Flooding can not be allowed as it is unfair to the other people who have asked a question only to have it get buried under an avalanche of questions from another user.

    Now after looking at both accounts, I can see that you managed to post 120 questions in 2 days time between the 2. That is extreme. We are a help site first and discussion forum second. One account and 5 questions per day. That is your answer.
    I will leave this account, GNAMA1974-13 active because this is the account you've chosen to personalize with your picture. I will close your other account.

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