    why is it crucial to learn about other cultures?

    0  Views: 823 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers


    Culture is a strong part of people's lives. It influences their views, their values, their humor, their hopes, their loyalties, and their worries and fears. If you are from New Mexico or Montana, if your parents are Cambodian, French Canadian, or Native American, if you are German Catholic or African-American, if you are Jewish or Mormon, if you are straight or Gay, if you are a mixture of cultures your culture has affected you. So when you are working with people and building relationships with them, it helps to have some perspective and understanding of their cultures.

    But as we explore culture, it's also important to remember how much we have in common. A person who grew up in Tibet, will probably see the world very differently than someone who grew up in Manhattan--but both people know what it is like to wake up in the morning and look forward to the adventures that of the day. We are all human beings. We all love deeply, want to learn, have hopes and dreams, and have experienced pain and fear.

    At the same time, we can't pretend that our cultures and differences don't matter. We can't gloss over differences and pretend they don't exist, wishing that we could be alike. And we can't pretend that people that discrimination doesn't exist.

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    So you don’t become so closed minded that you are totally ignorant………...


    I’m fine. My sister isn’t. Fell and broke her hip, had surgery, and fell into DT.s some time after. She is still in ICU……..

    Spreads genetic diversity. Variation in additive genetic difference is what improves the human species. For the most part. Some cultures are not worth reproducing. Some cultures i dont want to be around.  But knowing about different cultures is necessary to protect yourself. Know whats safe before you enter the living area of some cultures.

    Well, if you plan to live in a vacuum, separated from everyone who isn't culturally exactly like you, why bother. No point in understanding where others originated, their ancestors' struggles and history, their contributions to society, how THEIR cultures affect your know, stuff like that. 

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