    what is lindane shampoo

    0  Views: 422 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer


    Lindane is used to treat scabies (mites that attach themselves to the skin) and lice (small insects that attach themselves to the skin on the head or pubic area ['crabs'])). Lindane is in a class of medications called scabicides and pediculicides. It works by killing lice and mites.

    Lindane does not stop you from getting scabies or lice. You should only use lindane if you already have these conditions, not if you are afraid that you may get them.



    Lindane is used to treat lice and scabies, but it may cause serious side effects. Safer medications are available to treat these conditions. You should only use lindane if there is some reason you cannot use the other medications or if you have tried the other medications and they have not worked.

    In rare cases, lindane has caused seizures and death. Most patients who experienced these severe side effects used too much lindane or used lindane too often or for too long, but a few patients experienced these problems even though they used lindane according to the directions. Babies; children; older people; people who weigh less than 110 lb; and people who have skin conditions such as psoriasis, rashes, crusty scabby skin, or broken skin are more likely to have serious side effects from lindane. These people should use lindane only if a doctor decides it is needed.

    Lindane should not be used to treat premature babies or people who have or have ever had seizures, especially if the seizures are hard to control.

    Lindane may cause serious side effects if too much is used or if it is used for too long or too often. Your doctor will tell you exactly how to use lindane. Follow these directions carefully. Do not use more lindane or leave the lindane on for a longer time than you are told. Do not use a second treatment of lindane even if you still have symptoms. You may be itchy for several weeks after your lice or scabies are killed.

    Your doctor or pharmacist will give you the manufacturer's patient information sheet (Medication Guide) when you begin treatment with lindane and each time you refill your prescription. Read the information carefully and ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions. You can also visit the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website ( to obtain the Medication Guide.


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