    did Jesus die for all the Muslims too since they are people who believe in Jesus?

    +2  Views: 526 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    The Muslim religion did not exist when Jesus was alive. Muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet of Islam but do not believe that He was crucified, or that He was the Son of God, so I suppose they don't believe that He died for Muslims. One of the expert theologians on the board may be able to give a better answer.

    If you changed to christianity, Yes, you could say Jesus died for me

    if Jesus did not die for muslims also how could He have died for us? we at the time were in the future as is muslims,Jesus knew that we ALL need salvation and sacrificed his life for all. so if they were to convert and believe in their hearts and confess with their mouth that Jesus IS the son of God, certainly they will be forgiven and become sons of God. yes , i believe Jesus died for ALL people.


    i once had that question too..and again asked my Christian husband about it a few days ago...what about the thousands of people who did not meet Jesus and were not alive at his time?what about them?are they going to Hell because they did not say "Jesus died for my sins" since they died before Jesus was even conceived...i always puzzled me

    Jesus is the new covenant. before Jesus came people made sacrifices of animal blood to atone for their sins. when Jesus died for us, he died for all and animal sacrifices were no longer needed

    Thanks for your reply and explanation to the people making blood sacrifices ...was that allowed and accepted according to God or not?is there anywhere I can look it up in the Bible?

    you have answered correctly from what I have studied about to this religion existing when Jesus was alive...I know the name as such ISLAM was not in the mouth of the people at the time of Jesus but the way of life was what Islam teaches...Jesus never spoke Arabic and Islam is an Arabic if I were to change my religious belief to Christianity, but all my life been a Muslim,can I say that Jesus died for me?

    Both Christianity and Islam originated in Arabia, .  Christianity never 'caught on' tin his area and people remained pagan until about 620 CE when Mohammed received the word of God via the Angel Gabriel. The Koran was written and  Islam spread rapidly and continues to gain followers today in great numbers. Many people find that the strict moral messages in the Koran are superior to the somewhat less definite rules in the Bible. For instance, in the recent riots in the UK, Muslims were hardly implicated.

    I leave you to draw your own conclusions

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