    did they really go to the moon?why no one has ever gone back there?

    0  Views: 346 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    " If you ask me I don't think (They) did." It was a "HAOX!"

    C'mon people, of course we were on the moon.. Some dingbat started this hoax crap and they even made a convincing documentary on it-- The question is 'why a hoax? what would be the gain? makes no sense, the moon is only 240k miles away-- It's not like going to Jupiter.. Some people have more miles on their cars... LOL

    On the weird side, there have been claims that we were told not to go back.. by ALIENS!! LOL  Eggy will be all over this.. :)


    i think some astronomers should go back then and bring us a piece of the moon to prove they went there...a real piece of the moon...

    My goodness, where have you been?? We have lots of moon rocks, they are in almost every science museum in the world, we have several where I live in the Silicon valley,, NASA has a museum here that has many moon artifacts, the Smithsonian has them too.. You are joking with me right?? LOL

    BTW: It wouldn't be the 'astronomers' that would go back, that would be 'astronauts'

    they had to do something...competition with the Russians in they had to fake this only to speed up their place in the race to conquer the air space...

    yes i noticed my mispelling...astronomy n astrology...not the same....sorry...thanks 4 the correction...

    Do you actually believe that gibberish that we faked the moon landing to beat the Russians?? Do you not think that the Russians at the same time had technology as we had that they too could detect a hoax?? Of course they did.. we were there, you can bet on that and this 'ding-bat' that started this rubbish of hoax is making a fortune on it.. I put this right up there with global warming scare.. LOL

    The moon has no atmosphere..meaning it can't hold any sort of air, no tell me how the american flag was waving in the wind on the " MOON"?.On the moon, the sky always appears dark, even on the bright side (because there is no atmosphere). Also, since sound waves travel through air, the moon is silent; there can be no sound transmission on the moon.

    Well there is atmosphere, just not to our liking, there is gravity, 1/16 that of earths. as far as dark all the time, they were on the dark side, sea of tranquility, there is no ozone layer there, as the sun would heat up, the temps would go way beyond what the protective suits could handle. Spacewalks were done in shadow too for the same reason. And where did you see the wind? I am not sure I saw that but as i remember, the flag stood straight out. There was a counter to that video documentary you say.. Please watch that one as well - don't report unless you have both sides, I saw them both, the pro and the con..

    Unless astronauts can fly through solar flares. There are approximately 2 a week. There is no way any mission to the moon can deal with that much radiation from a solar flare. Then there are galactic cosmic rays. Deadly radioactive particles bouncing around in space forever. The energy from some of these rays would melt you. So unless NASA found a way around galactic cosmic rays and solar flares, we never went to the moon.NOBODY CAN unless God allows it...HE Has nope..nobody walked on the moon...TO THIS DAY

    Gama rays, solar flares, what else?? LOL.. That's why timing is so important.. I won't argue this with you anymore.. you are way too set in your ways.. You don't vote do you??? LOL

    a hoax U mean....yes...I think so...but this is my opinion..some people will come and show U evidences...from where ..only God knows....I always wondered even as a teen...why they never went still it is not like I am losing sleep over it....


    Cost vs benefits, the original reason to go there was to claim it as originally it was considered as a moon base missile launch platform. we had to get there before the Russians. Now the new theory is that the Russians were there first but their cosmonaut died and they kept it a secret. There is no real reason to go back to the moon. The next s'posed jump will be to mars in 2025 or about. But Obama curtailed the space program so it will be a private company. I think we already know which company, just they haven't exposed the agenda. I do still believe its silly and not reasonable to even consider the thought that we have not been to the moon.

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