    Is it true that Barack Obama is homosexual?

    -1  Views: 665 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Right now I wouldn't care if he was a serial killer, get this country back to work. NOW.



    This has to be the dumbest question I ever heard on  here.

    ed shank

    I'm with you on this, stupid, stupid question.

    No. It's propaganda created by people who do not like him. Small minded people who still believe that calling someone a homosexual is the biggest insult you can give anyone.


    Are u that stupid  even is he is  he is still the president of the US  and in holding that office  he deserves to be respected.   as a person u may not like him  and thats your  right  but  but  DONOT disrespect the President

    Who cares - why ask? It is his business not yours.

    1st, relax man.

    2nd try to spell properly.

    3rd why is it disrespectfull to ask, if he's homosexual, as someone states he is? I have no quarrel with him, i do not hate him.


    1. I am relaxed
    2. spelling you got my drift
    3. Its not our business
    4. Hope this clears up any misunderstanding

    5. Small minded people who still believe that calling someone a homosexual is the biggest insult you can give anyone.

    That's why it's disrespectful because it's insulting a whole section of the world population by using it to defame and insult another like it's the worse possible thing to be. Anyone who thinks like this needs to grow up and grow above their own ignorance.

    Where the hell would you get a notion like that???

    Regardless of whatever else you yanks may conceive him to be he certainly does not present himself as a homosexual to me or any one else I know.

    I neither like him Or dislike him.As an Aussie it matters little to me what he is but some of these rumours are just ridiculous.

    Good God man,wake up & smell the roses!


    if he is hes stupid. he got that beautiful wife. why he want some hard ankle?

    This guy is totally brainless.

    When Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Eric Cantor want his lunch money (and the peoples) he sure acts like a punk doesen't he?

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