    How can I become a computer hacker?

    +1  Views: 501 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Why don't you do something good as opposed to hacking into computers. Unless you intend to work for say the RCMP, the police, or trying to find kiddie porn on computers to put them where they belong in jail.

    If you have a genuine interest in computers first and foremost you should take courses and become a computer technician. From there acquire further knowledge and do research, research, & research.

    It is amazing what you can learn on Google. Good luck and I do hope that your intentions are good and not to hack into computers to cause mayhem.


    well said rengard.dave.

    If you're intentions are for evil you will receive a visit from the FBI and they will throw you in jail and you will meet some wonderful gentlemen named big Bubba and Tyrone you do not want to meet them so no hacking please. 

    Hacking is a word that has evolved in its meaning and was originally as in “I’ll take a hack at that” meaning "Let me turn the knobs and press the buttons to see if I can make it work” and “ I’d like to try that to see if my ignorance can win out over brute foresee.” If you are looking to learn about computers You could take a few college courses to get the hang of things here in hacker land.

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