    how do babys form

    0  Views: 580 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    First Trimester

    The earliest stage of fetal development is the fertilization of an egg cell with a sperm, causing the formation of a zygote. The zygote is a small one-celled entity that then begins to divide into a cluster of cells called a blastocyst. As it divides the embryo will also travel to the uterus via the fallopian tubes, where it will burrow into the uterine lining and be supported by a tissue called the placenta. At this point the embryo begins to develop three different layers of tissue, which, respectively, will form the skin, the inner organs and the nervous system. After six weeks the heart has developed enough to pump blood and as the first trimester finishes, basic genitalia and bodily features (such as the head, neck and limbs) have developed.

    Second Trimester

    Some of the earliest events of the second trimester involve the baby's intestines moving into the body. By the 14th week the baby's gender can be determined, and the skeletal system has started to form bones. Facial muscles form, which allow the baby to make facial expressions. As the baby develops, fat accumulates under the skin. Fetal development also includes the formation of ears (and the development of hearing), the esophagus' formation (which allows swallowing), the appearance of hair and fingernails, and the rapid development of organs such as the lungs and liver.

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    Third Trimester

    The last third of a baby's development in the womb involves the maturation of the body's organs. Early in the third trimester the eyelids develop. Next the bones finish developing, followed by the eyes maturing, allowing fetuses to open their eyes. The baby's lungs also develop, allowing the fetus to begin to practice breathing movements. Babies also develop the ability to detect light. Mostly, the third trimester is about rapid weight gain, which gives the fetus more energy reserves once the baby has actually been born.

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