    will i have a lot of friends in 4th and5th grade

    0  Views: 439 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers


    1.  Demonstrate your unique personality Everyone will remember someone who is unique and brave to be different.

    • Making jokes Don't ever be afraid to crack some jokes, people just love to be friends with someone who is funny and hilarious.

    • Write Are you a poet? Flare out some of your nice work and find someone with the same hobbies.

    • Trendsetter Are you someone who is making the whole class use mechanical pencils? Or are you the one that makes new trends of neon colored striped socks in the summer? Giving advice to your friends will be a very suitable job for you!

    • Chef Amazing in cooking and/or baking? Bake some sweets and simple cakes and give them to your friends.

    2.  Be academic. Study hard, and get good grades! It will help people know that you are the smart one that they'd like to be.

    • Are you a visual, auditory or and kinesthetic learner? The visual learner may have a preference for seeing. Auditory learners best learn through listening. Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn via experience moving, touching, and doing.

    • Take good notes Find cute note-pads in the dollar store, some colored pens, highlighters, post-its and stickers to help you attracted.

    • Review your studies! I know it doesn't sound as easy when heard, but it really helps everyone made a good score!

    • Find some good exercising books In the bookstore, you can find some nice subject exercise books, and you could ask some questions that you can't answer to your teacher.

    • Highlight some points If your friends call it childish, just leave them alone. Highlight the subject points. It makes it easier to read during sudden exams.

    • Read nice books I bet you have some time that you could spend to read, but you're just too lazy to do it. A research stated that children could learn and remember things better than the adults.

    • Get some extra course Do you have some time to spend? Then why don't you take extra courses to the weakest subject you couldn't understand?

    3.  Socialize with everyone. What's wrong with having friends?

    • Start the conversation Saying 'Hi' and 'Hello' isn't going to make you hurt, there must be a person that will just stay quiet, but that shouldn't stop you from being popular!

    • Say the magic word Everybody like a polite person, someone who knows the basic manners as such as Thank you, Please and Sorry.

    • Listen to their problems Sometimes they don't need advice, they just need you to listen and understand their current state. Smile and just tell them it will be alright!

    • Try your best to help them Are they having a hard time with the new subject? Then explain it to them if you understand the point that they don't understand, and don't make fun of them.

    4.  Be nice. Nobody wants to hang around someone who is always making them feel bad.

    • Give compliments Of course you like someone who compliments you, but don't overdo the compliments.

    • Don't criticize them with mean words It's always nice to give someone criticize, because it will help them be better, but using harsh and hurtful words is absolutely wrong.

    • Be Forgiving Everyone have done some mistakes, and you need to forgive them. It's not like you are perfect either.

    5.  Be Up to Date. But being up to date doesn't mean you need the latest iPad or the newest game, just know the latest news in your school or group of friends.

    • Watch the News Boring? Sure it is! But watching the news with your father may help you know the latest things going on, and that can be conversation ideas right there.[ Just make sure it isn't boring!]

    • Music Don't just listen to Justin Bieber and Rihanna, there is many artists that you could listen to. Sure, Rihanna and Justin Bieber are very talented people, but don't limit your playlist to that! Try finding the new artists in the music industry. Who knows, you could become their biggest fan.

    • Who likes a bragger? People who always brag their wealth and possessions is a turn off. If you hate braggers, don't mirror what they do!.

    • Be humble Being humble would make you less noticed. But rather than making a new enemy, being humble is a wise decision.

    • Take a compliment When you just got an award and someone complimented you, don't shrug it off.

    6.  Hygiene and Hygiene. Do you smell like an anchovy? Read this one, please!

    • Take a Bath Every soap will make you smell beautiful if you use it right. Simply just scrub the soap two times in bath and you will smell divine. If you still want something more, buy a loofah and an expensive bath gel.

    • Wear Deodorant After you had your period, you'll smell more easily. Even though some friends will convince you that you don't smell bad,get deodorant.

    • Fragrances No matter how much it costs or where you buy it, it still will make you smell nice! For an elementary schooler, just have a fruit and flower scented fragrance. They could be found easily in the Supermarket. Just make sure you don't overspray! One spray on each wrist will be good.

    • Mouth It's really gross when someone has asparagus pieces stuck to their teeth, so brush after you had your meals and floss after them. You also can use mouthwash.

    • Make up If you're an elementary schooler, don't wear a ton of makeup. Believe me, your skin is as smooth as silk and it can't take the cosmetic chemicals. Rather than making your skin prone to more acne, you better stay away from your sister and mother's cosmetics.

    • Have a "kit" Bring some things to your school. Dry tissues, Mini sized perfume, Breath freshener, and lip balm and/or lip gloss.

    7.  Be confident in who you are and what you're good at! Everyone is good at something!


    8.  Enjoy yourself, and make sure that you’re trying to be the good kind of popular, not the bad kind. Gossiping, bullying, or making fun of people is a negative thing to do and a #1 thing to avoid.


    9.  Be nice to everyone, not just the popular kids. Be yourself and always be consistent. If you try too hard just to be popular, your old friends may think of you differently. Make sure that you always find the true you and never change that.


    10.  Help others. This can be helping with carrying books, cleaning up after an activity, or helping with work. Helpful people shine in a group, and find it easier to get help for their self if they need it.


    11.Share. Whether it's a nice snack, school supplies, or a vibrant smile, be willing to share.


    12.  Give compliments. This doesn't mean superficial or shallow compliments, but be there to pat someone on the back when they accomplish an achievement.


    13.  Compete fairly. There is always a degree of competition in school, whether on grades, for attention, or in sports, and fair play is a respected and appreciated quality.


    14. Gossiping like mean girls (like on your favorite TV shows or books) doesn't help at all. Neither does teasing others for wearing bad clothes or having bad speech. It just gives you a "mean girl" reputation & you LOSE friends this way, unless your friends are followers.


    15.Followers or friends? Make sure that you aren't mixing up your "friends" with your "followers". Followers agree with everything you do and say, and PRETEND to be your friend just to be popular. True friends don't always agree with you, and truly stick together with you no matter what happens, through thick & thin.

    you will if you want to.  it all depends on you. are you a friendly person? the advice above is excellent.  good luck!

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