    Who are you going to vote for president of the U.S in 2012?

    +6  Views: 869 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    No one specific yet.  Will not vote for Obama who has brought this country to its knees.


    Obama has done more for this country than any other president aside from Clinton. Bush brought this country to it's knees. Everything Obama has not inherited has been right on T. You need to educate yourself on politics not the candidates - BUT POLITICS!

    Baloney dwwinst. He's done more for this country by pushing the flush lever after Bush put us on the toilet. Obama pushed us in and flushed. The man has had 3 years already and has done nothing to benefit this country. What exactly has he been doing to work on this economy that is heading towards a double recession in spite of the billions he spent on bailouts and stimulus money that did nothing but make business owners richer? He's a socialist Muslim (what a mix huh?) and needs to be stopped! What is he doing right now? Ooops, he's on vacation again after wearing himself out on the campaign trail! He's a waste and he hates America. He needs to go back to Kenya, his birth country.

    dwwinst, He is running this country by spending more money than any predident in history.There is not enough money coming in to offset his spending. He is already outspending Bush in less than 3 yrs. Thats what he has done for this country.

    Anyone but Obama.......

    not the current one!!

    Definitely NOT OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Whoopi Goldberg

    whoopie for sure...noot that goofy frrr sara


    I don't want 'Sarah' Palin either but thank god Whoppie isn't in the running, she'll be worse than Obama with taking my money and giving to the lazy and worthless..

    lol....i so love the answer from Randy Palmer....anyone but Obama!! 2!!!nobama....i think it was a logical result anyway...When America cheered n cried tears of joy n relief that day...i knew he was not the right candidate for the welfare of the a woman would be great 4 THAT GREAT CHANGE!!!


    I agree, a woman would bring great changes for the better.

    I agree, I would really like to see a woman in the whitehouse but I don't think Michelle Bachmann or Sarah Palin is the right one..

    I would trust any woman more at this point. Men have notoriously been involved in war and conflict which has not brought us peace, but turmoil.

    Mr. Obama  or anyone but a  REPUBLICIAN

    We don't even know who is running yet,so I could'nt really say,but I will say,I can't stand the VP Bidden,I don't know what it is about that guy,but what a joke.Maybe I just see him as that old school Washington guy...Time for new blood in DC.


    This guy 'Boris' that started this thread is pushing for Obama supporters to come forward, how can you ask this question when we don't even know what republican is going to run.. obama supporters are very solid one way, no change It's a matter of..'you voting for obama or not'.. That is the question being asked here..


    dwwinst you are totally out of your mind-- You show your lack of intellect by riding on that old worn out "blame Bush'.. Your guy has had 2.5 years to at least change something!! fix something, make better something, so far he has spent TRILLIONS of dollars, way over what Bush spent, we have lost thousands of jobs regardless of his failed bailout programs, his obamacare is going  down the tubes as unconstitutional by forcing penalties on those that don't take it.  his apologizing to the world for the USA beginning with apologizing to the Germans and the French, WTF is that all about? Not to mention we are still in afganistan and losing soldiers, still in Iraq and not he's talking about going into Lybia.. where's your peacenicks now??? They stood on the corners with big signs when Bush was in office, where are they now???  Zorro is right, many of his followers are a lot of trash, simply because they are waiting for their share of the giveaways, i see the Obama stickers everwhere there is a liquer store and yes you are right there are many intelligent people voted for him as well but they are doing it because they are kool-aid drinkers, they follow the leader, voting obama is the 'cool' thing to do.. Most are very smart at what they do but 90% of them have NO IDEA of what is going on in the world as they have no time to take a look, they are too busy being smart in their fields, politics is not their field either--They don't see this, you don't see this because  It's the socialist way of doing business..  Or Marxist-- 'One for all, all for one' In this case, that one is Obama..  people on the left don't want to think on their own, they are like a colony of bees or ants, they all work together as one, for the same cause, they have no idea what it is, they just do their job, no thinkers, not one.. Once in awhile a smart one comes forth and decides he/she can make a ton of money on therse followers by selling something, like global warming, organic goods and be green.. This is why Algore is rich today, he is a leader amongst followers.. You are a follower,  If you could give me ONE GOOD reason why Omama is a good president JUST one!!  What has he done?? What?? yet he does nothing, he is ruining this country with his extreme views and yet people will vote him again?? Makes no sense..

    This is kind of a 'suggestive' question, I would think that in absence of a true opposition to Obama you are searching for Obama supporters.

    I will not vote for OBAMA! Although, unlike some of our democrats here, I would consider a democrat if they was able to run another democrat..  Blaming the entire party because you have a dislike for a few in that is not a good balance.  There are some democrats that I like but they won't be able to run until 2016.  At this time, I will vote for a republican to get some balance back or if I think the republican is too far right, I will not vote.. I think Obama is too far to the left and is taking our country in an opposite direction than I want to see.. I would like to see middle ground..

    Here is the future of America people. They cant realize their own mistakes. The world needs ditch diggers.

    I will not vote for obama because of the type of people that voted for him. There are some decent people that did vote for him, but 90 % are just plain trashy, no good, lazy, sorry, welfare collecting, criminal background, loud mouth, irrational, society bleeding leaches.


    The type of people that voted for Obama were intelligent people. Obviously you are not! You know nothing about politics. thank President Bush for the mess this country is in. Obama is the one who will clean it up. He is also the most brilliant President we have ever had

    dwwinst: see comment in main replys.

    rosie odonell..

    thanking God I voted for nobody!!!LOL....I am French so I cannot vote...but it is sad where this country is going politically:-((( if a miracle does not happen soon..real soon!!!

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