    why all pepol like mony?????????????soma one answer me???????????

    +2  Views: 355 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    It gets you the material things.Makes your family more comfortable. Money is only a medium of exchange.If I could pay the doctor with 3 chickens & a basket of tomatoes like they used to I wouldn't need money.How do you pay your rent?

    As the saying goes Money makes the world go round! we need money to eat and afford a home and have the luxuries now and again not that we need them its just to spoil our needs there are some people who are greedy and want more and more we should be contenteded in what we have and live in our means this why all of our Countrys are in dept through greed and not been satisfied in what we have hope this has helped

    Also help to pay for some schooling to learn how to spell. 


    oh good !

    Money exists to control natural resources. Not everybody can have a new car. There will always be poor people. Mainly because they have poor habits. The poor people i have met have nasty personal habits. Missing teeth, smoke, dont keep themselves clean. But there are also those who choose to live a lifestyle where they dont want or need alot . They conserve what they have and are comfortable with their lives. Money controls the flow of resources to not deplete it so fast. . A liberal spends it on wasteful things. A conservative does not waste its resources. In other words save your allowance or earnings , and use it sparingly.

    I think we live in a world were "Material things" & the being known as in a certain class ''THAT OF THE SO CALLED RICH" somehow affords some the feeling of being a better class more deserving of being treated as higher class than the average people we all are.Money does provide the necessary things in order to live our lives,but in the end we all leave this world penny-less.

    I think we live in a world were "Material things" & the being known as in a certain class ''THAT OF THE SO CALLED RICH" somehow affords some the feeling of being a better class more deserving of being treated as higher class than the average people we all are.Money does provide the necessary things in order to live our lives,but in the end we all leave this world penny-less.


    Thank you helped me

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