    What does this mean, girls??

    There is a girl(24 yrs old) who is getting married next week. We've known each other just about 6 months. We are members of local choir. I like her so much but what can I do she has a guy already. I can tell she likes me too don't know how much. We talk once in a while before or after the practices. We are not really close friends, never hung out together. We also have a big age gap, I'm 35.
    Yesterday, she asked me if I could come to her wedding!!! I mean I'm shocked! I'm in no position to be invited for her wedding. I didn't answer yes or no and she left right away after telling me where and what time the wedding and the reception will be.
    What does this mean? What is her intention?

    0  Views: 603 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    She likes you as a FRIEND and wants you to support her marriage as a friend would.

    We are not friends. We are more like a guy and a girl in same choir. I still don't understand.

    I think you're trying to read too much into a friendly gesture because you have feelings for her. My not go to the wedding.

    We've exchanged eye contacts and a little flirts. I'm not trying to read much, I'm just not getting it she asked me to come to her wedding happening next week that is already planned. I don't know her family at all.
    Dude, really, I don't think she has anything on her mind. How about this, next time you see her, ask her if she had anything else on her mind other than inviting you to celebrate her wedding day with her, her family and friends and soon to be husband.

    Would you invite a guy who is not a friend to your wedding and reception outside the already sent guest list?

    OK, then ask her out on a date and see what she says. Again, you're reading far too much into it. She must consider you to be a friend for all the times you both hung together and talked before and after choir.
    Thank her for invite, but your also getting married on the same day. What a coincidence.
    just tell her "No thank you". and let it go at that
    You should understand that she is committing herself to a man. Dont interfere with that. It will only cause pain for everyone.

    That's not the answer I'm looking for.
    I am not looking for right or wrong answer. I am looking for what it is in her mind?
    Why would she ask someone who is not a friend of hers to her own wedding in a week?

    You are reading WAY too much into this situation, and seeing something that just is not there. What is in her mind is that she's getting married, and is being polite by asking you to join in the celebration. THAT IS IT! She's not harboring secret feelings for you. Do yourself a favor and start looking for a girl who's unattached.

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